Your ultimate source on high search volume keyword domains to be deleted tomorrow.

Everything about a website begins from Domain. Do you know how much benefit a good exact match domain will bring you? Let's look at the picture below.

That's saying that more than 1/4 and nearly 1/3 SERPs contain an exact match domain in the top 10.

On average there are more than 100,000 .com domains got deleted. In which there are thousands of exact match domains. Exact match keyword domains are valueless treasure to SEO.


It is impossible for single person to analysis such a large amout of data everyday.

That's why you need our service!

We use one proprietary domain parsing method combing three major search engines, keyword discovery, keyword track and more than 20 general and professional dictionaries.


We hire 10 full-time employees to manually analyze and find exact keyword domains in pending delete list.


we want to share this treasure with all of you. With only 4.99$/month, you can get:

One pending delete keyword .com domain list (pdf/excel) everyday
With each keyword global search volume, US search volume and domain delete date
Domain back-order link provide for you to grasp the domain you don’t want to miss.
More info about domain will be offered base on your demand.

Author's Bio: 

Author runs hundreds of website and is skilled in SEO industry. His site like attracts amounts of traffic from internet.