Optimization of pdf files, for which, a lot of people use converters is more often than not taken into consideration whilst any such file in undergoing creation meant for the Web. Since this formatted file has gained popularity, a lot of sites have used this format to design their websites so as to produce high quality output. Even such files particularly designed for the Internet might face troubles with waiting period, weighed down by excess of fonts, un-optimized mages, and many more problems. Optimizing such files could drastically reduce the size and also improve display, speed, which would save bandwidth and let users be at ease and not get frustrated. Read further to understand how you can optimize such files in order to boost accessibility comfort and maintain visibility position on search engines.

How to create small files in this format?

The main elements that go into creating small pdf files are image resolution, the type of images used, the number of fonts and their embedding plus the compression level. A simple equation is followed where the higher the version number, the more compact your file would be. Acrobat 5 edition of this format has incorporated JBIG2 compression, which is better than the CCITT algorithms when compression is in scanned monochromatic copy. Acrobat 6 has included the capability to shrink the entire file but more than 90% Acrobat users own the 5 version on their computer systems. In order to create smaller files in this format, the number of fonts need minimization, even bitmap images and substitute vector based graphics. There are various methods of creating PDFs which as well includes outputting to Distilling and PostScript, etc and whilst creating a file in this format using pdf creator the following tips could serve as great help.

No to use refried graphics- These must be inserted as bitmaps so preparing them for maximum compressibility and minimum dimensions would be a good idea.

Using vector graphics- Using this at a majority of places would be wise enough to do, which means wherever the images that are in GIF, they should be converted into vectors.

Converting into grayscale- If you can do without colors then try opting for the grayscale option.

Author's Bio: 

Gracy Brett is the developer & publisher of powerful PDF to Word and Word to PDF conversion products. She is the frequent writer of supportive trade articles.