If you have ever experienced passionate dating within your relationship you may have just helped stop getting dumped and becoming single before you really want to.

As a guy most of us know that putting away clothes is really unnecessary right? I mean com-on, if you are gun-na to wear it the next day anyway what’s the big deal of leaving on the floor in the corner for a few days?

Well the big deal is that your significant other – the female gender - may hate the clutter and wants the bedroom to symbolize a place of romantic encounters and not have the look and smell of a locker-room!

Some of our biggest fights in a relationship can begin with the simplest and dumbest things and made out to be the next tsunami. Maybe you know what I am talking about?

Let me help save your life dude!

There may be a way to avoid these dumb little spats that can actually help you stop getting dumped.

Romantic Passionate Dating Is Your Ticket -

Hey, I am not talking about just going to a movie and takin her home swingin for a home run in fifteen pure minutes so you can sit down and watch the rest of the ball game. If you are so concerned about the ball game record the dumb thing and get a different mindset about the time you spend with her. If you don’t sooner or later she will rob you of this relationship and it will be over.

Your relationship should be a lifelong courtship so this is what I would suggest.

Why don’t you try buying her a little gift and wrap it with some pretty wrapping paper, put a bow on it and lay a rose next to it for when she comes home from work. She already knows you two will be going out tonight but maybe you didn’t tell her exactly where, making it a surprise.

Women love romantic surprises and if you have a gift for her too well this melts her every thought of what may be annoying to her about you lately and begins your passionate dating experience.

What do YOU think? Do you think women like to be romanced? You better believe it dog and they can’t wait to see where it is you are taking them. This subconsciously pulls there mind off of any stupid thing about you they can’t stop thinking about.

Stop Getting Dumped Today -

Seriously dude, this is more than a formula for a good time this is about being close and passionate in your dating. And trust me you do not want to go through a break up.

It’s high time you start incorporating a little - heck, a lot - of passionate dating in your relationship, dating with pure passion to help stop getting dumped.

Author's Bio: 

Randall Paul and Lynnette Rose have had their bumps along the way but have been happily married for over 27 years. They are sick and tired of all you couples out there that are breaking up these days. If they can help give you a little of their experience to help
with saving a relationship they are going to sure try. You can also get a FREE report - How To Get Your Ex To Return Your Phone Call, Text or IM!