I remember being told when I was younger to share. I remember at the start of my career being told that to get what I want, I need to help others get what they want. I remember being told in church to serve others, to be a servant. The great poet and gangsta rapper Snoop Dog even said, “It ain’t no fun, if my homies can’t have none.” I know these things. I try to embody these ideas.

Here’s the thing. I’ve heard these ideas my entire life and do try to embody them, but I came across a concept recently that I just friggin love that just kinda wraps these all up and gives me a simple image (note the funnel above) to remember to ensure I stay on the right path. In my studies the other week, I heard in a personal growth course from Preston Ely an idea that I felt I had to pass on to you, cause I’m your boy. And really, that’s just the idea itself…merely to pass it (everything) on. You still with me? I’ll explain. Pass on to others everything that comes to you.

Now, if your memory is sharp, you may remember a movie back in the day called “Pay It Forward” with maybe Kevin Spacey and that little dude, Haley Joel Osment. You know, that kid that saw dead people in that other movie, “The Sixth Sense”. Anyways, the idea behind “Pay It Forward” was if someone does you a favor, in lieu of returning that favor to that person, do a favor for some other third party, thus paying it forward. Got it? OK. Onward.

So, putting Haley Joel Osment aside, now that I mentioned him, what happened to that little guy anyways. I’m just saying, he was a really good actor at such a young age. I’ll have to get my research guy on it. I’m sorry, I digress yet again. OK, we’re back to our idea. The true difference I might say is that our idea is more encompassing. It involves more than just passing on favors someone does for me. It involves everything. Sure if someone helps you or does you some favor, obviously return the favor to them but ALSO pass that on to others. If it was some unique advice you received, look for situations where you might be able to give someone else that same helpful advice. Should some teacher teach you some idea, concept, knowledge…pass it on. (Side note: a mentor I once had always said that teaching others an idea or subject truly helps you to understand that subject or topic.)

This guy, Preston, called it Being A Funnel. Let everything that comes to you pass through you to others. Like I said, whatever it is that comes to you, pass it on. It can be knowledge, advice, money, help, love, a welcoming feeling, a smile, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. If you read a book and pick up a concept or learn something, teach it to someone else. Should you get a bonus or come into some money, give to your church, charity or someone in need. (Another side note: develop the habit of being generous and tithing. A wise man once said, the hand with which you give is the hand with which you will receive.)

So, really, that’s it guys. Short and sweet. Give what you get. Don’t be self centered with sticky fingers. Give. Serve. Share. Like I said, in the true essence of this concept, once I heard it, I felt I had to pass it on to YOU. So, please, take it, use that mental image of a funnel, imprint that image in your mind as a reminder and DO IT. Become the funnel. Let things flow through you. Let God know that He can entrust things with you because you’re just going to turn around and share and help others with what He gives to you. That’s a Servant. That’s living well.

To living well,

Ron Kawatsky

P.S. By all means, if you like this article, pass it on. Don’t keep it all to yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Ron Kawatsky is a personal growth and spiritual development expert focusing in the areas of faith and belief, positive thinking, awareness and success skills. www.ThinkBigBelieveBig.com