There are so many haunted places in the world, and each state has its own ghost story to tell. India is home to a number of haunting places and is one of those countries where stories of persecuted and persecuted places are rife.

Barracks, a part of northern Calcutta, also has many haunting places, and there are many of them. Apart from that, there are other places in K Bengaluru known as haunted places, and each of these states has its own ghost stories to tell.

This is another haunted place in Calcutta that you can visit, even if you are not a timid person. For those who are not so weak, this is a great place to visit and it is one of the most popular haunted places in the city.

I dare to visit this enchanted place before sunset if you are an adventure junkie like me and visit it before sunset.

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If you are interested in South Park Street Cemetery and want to visit other dark tourist spots in Calcutta, you have a choice. Although there are a number of haunted places in the city, we have compiled a list of the most interesting and haunting corners of the city. This list is a collection of 13 haunted sites in and around K Bengaluru that you can explore without being too cool for mediocrity.

For creepier experiences and to follow the legends, visit South Park Street Cemetery, one of the most haunted places in K Bengaluru. Apart from that, there are a number of other haunted sites in the city, such as the Kolkata Museum of Science and Technology (KMST) and the Mysore Museum.

A trip to Calcutta would not even be complete if one had not experienced its famous ghost towns and its famous nightlife. This is the most famous haunted place in the city, open to all visitors, and I dare to visit it before sunset unless you are an adventure junkie.

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