Cardiovascular disease is a growing epidemic in this country. Estimated costs of treating heart disease in the United States will increase by approximately 545 billion dollars over the next two decades.
Large pharmaceutical companies continue to push dangerous and minimally-effective statin drugs – a class of drug used to lower cholesterol levels – on the U.S. population, and a growing body of evidence shows that statin drugs are overprescribed, questionably effective, and can cause serious side effects. However, the American Heart Association continues to heavily promote statins as universal heart attack prevention. They have even publicly raised the question of whether statins should be added to the U.S. water supplies along with fluoride.
Today, millions of Americans are using statin drugs for controlling high cholesterol and preventing heart attacks. These conditions, however, are often managed effectively with natural cardiovascular supplements and lifestyle changes, without dangerous side effects. For more information, read my report on overcoming cardiovascular disease here:
Now under guidance from the FDA, millions more Americans are being encouraged to take cholesterol medication, even if they do not have heart problems or elevated cholesterol levels. Given the proven varied and dangerous side effects of statins, this decision is not the right approach for reducing heart attack risk or even guaranteeing the cardiovascular health of those who do have elevated cholesterol. (
In 2008, a study came out titled Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER). This study found that, among 17,800 subjects followed over the course of the two-year placebo-controlled trial, patients taking statins to treat inflammation benefited from a 54 percent lower risk of heart attack and a 48 percent lower risk of stroke when compared to patients who simply lowered their cholesterol alone.
When John Hopkins University investigated these findings with another study, they came out with very different results which suggested that statin drugs only offered minimal decreased risk of heart attack, and only in patients who had significant arterial calcium deposits, not elevated cholesterol. They are not the only research institute that has disputed the use of statins as more stories emerge regarding the flawed nature of Big Pharma’s studies on these drugs. Now, the public may be waking up to the dangerous truth about statins.
Several major studies have found that, among statin drugs’ other widely reported side effects—including muscle pain, memory loss, and liver damage—these medications also raise your diabetes risk by as much as 13 percent.
To make matters worse, the FDA acknowledges the influence of statins on diabetes risk—but have approved its use for heart attack prevention anyway, based on the results of the studies. Needless to say, this development does not bode well for the health of our country. It is a well known fact that even simple lifestyle changes—such as a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and omega-3s, daily physical activity, and adequate sleep and hydration—can go a long way toward reducing inflammation and restoring health and balance to your body. Antioxidant-rich botanicals also play a critical role in integrative protocols designed to combat heart disease due to their proven ability to quench free radicals and counteract chronic inflammation. For comprehensive information about preventing cardiovascular disease using safe and natural alternatives, download a complimentary wellness guide on the subject by visiting
Dr. Isaac Eliaz is a respected author, lecturer, researcher, product formulator, and clinical practitioner. He has been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine since the early 1980s. Dr. Eliaz is a frequent guest lecturer on integrative medical approaches to health, immune enhancement, and cancer prevention and treatment.
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