If you are a victim of low esteem then you must read this article. Your life is usually defined by the choices you make as an individual which are in turn determined by a variety of factors one being your personality. While individual personalities and opinions differ a lot, one requisite characteristic for all is the courage to make the hard choices of life. It is said that success comes to those who have the guts to go the hard way in search for glory.
Success is a product of a dream; a vision which means a plan, having goals. Each individual must always ensure that their goals are well defined and achievable. They should develop self check mechanisms to ensure that they remain on course to achieve their goals and to detect any deviations thus overcome low esteem. It is natural that whenever you walk in purpose, your self-esteem is established.
Your self-esteem determines your attitude and your relationship with your friends. For a healthy relationship with them and overcoming low esteem, be self-confident and be ambitious in life. Share your aspirations with them and this way you will have a greater desire to succeed in life, as you will feel challenged. Your choice of friends will also determine your confidence as some will be out to discourage while others are motivators.
Make friends with go-getters, those who will revolutionize your thinking and challenge you .You must also note that those friends whom you like a lot or you seem to share so much fun together may not necessarily be the best for you. You may be spending a good time with them, but their lack of motivation will be an indirect discouragement and this might lead to low esteem. It is thus vital to realize that, high self-esteem is fundamental to a healthy, respectful and lasting relationship with one another.
How many people pause to think that their children need help in building self esteem as they grow up? It would not be surprising to find many parents overlooking this vital aspect of child growth.
Experiences that children go through make them to be what they are when they grow up. In structuring self esteem, self confidence and good image, children become competitive later on in life thus speaking their minds, challenge decisions and influencing the world positively.
I did take time to monitor a seven year old boy who was seated near me at a restaurant. He sat up in his chair and had an almost adult like conversation with his father. Though I could not hear the conversation well, it got me thinking of what could have made the boy portray such confident.
With further findings, I realized that it is not by chance that the boy was very confident of himself. Children, like adults have to be commended when they do something good. And when they make a mistake, avoid shouting at them. Instead, explain what would have been acceptable and this will help in building self esteem.
Children who take part in debate and other activities such as games that they like also build self esteem as they practice to speak their minds. It is therefore important to enroll children in various mind engaging activities that open up their thoughts.
When possible, let children make decisions and see how they go about it. For example, you could give a child some money and let him write the order in which he would spend the money. From the list, get to understand how he prioritized the items and give an idea on how best to prioritize items. With practice, any child would build self esteem and thus influence society.
Read more insightful tips of overcoming low esteem by following the links below.
Stephen shares his wisdom and experience on Overcoming Low Esteem that will definitely add value to your life. Visit his Inspirational and Motivational Website at: Self Improvement Tips and start living a purposeful life.
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