Marketing in it's basic form is to “identify your customers,discover theirs wants and needs, and create ways to deliver the value of your product or service to encourage them to buy from you to fulfill those wants and needs.
Sounds easy enough, right? Oh if it were only that easy.
You may know who they are and what they want, but the delivery part, yeah that's the kicker!

You see consumers are bombarded with so much marketing and advertising that they seem to get tuned out and become numb. Remember humans are creatures of habit and will follow the path of least resistance EVERYTIME!

So you ask what could that “path of least resistance” be? You guessed it, VIDEO!

Think about it. Before the internet, what did most people do when they got home? Turned on the T.V . and watched their shows until they went so sleep. Being exposed and basically brainwashed night after night, year after year to all those ads. Oh and the weekends were worse!(how do you think infomercials became so big)Oh and this assumes you worked, more time in front of the boob tube if you were unemployed, sick, disabled ,retired or a housewife.

Video is the “chosen” method by consumers to get your message delivered. All other methods are considered intrusive and annoying. How many times have you said “ hey, my favorite show is on so I have to watch and will sit through the 15-20 minutes of commercials to just sit there and watch my show, no problem”. That's not what you say however that what's happening.

Then comes the internet and BAM! More marketing and advertising and information to mentally process. But there's one major problem, “you mean now I have to read, UGH”!

So, how do you get your message across to consumers through video?
Well that depends on how you want your “customers” to think or react or do.
Different ways you can use video are:
-inform them of new products/services, maybe a “what's new” segment
-teach them how easy the process of working with your company can be with a “process flow video”
-you can give them a tour of your location(s) and familiarize them
-you can do a FAQ session making yourself an authority within your industry
-how about a “video course” on the how-to of your product or service
-maybe a “trouble-shooting” video before they contact you
-or a “how to install/adjust/correct” type video
-a real good one is a “ who are we video” to make them feel connected with you
-a great use for video is a “before and after” video, very powerful
-how about showing off your work of past projects or capabilities
-another great use is “testimonials”, consumers love them
-you could always teach your customers the best or different ways to use your product or service
-how about a video of key members of your company
-do you conduct charity work or help around the community, capture it on video
-maybe a “why we've been in business so long” video to separate you from the crowd
-there's the old “review” of a product or service or compare products or services
-how about a “what product or service do I need” video
-perhaps maybe a “ preventative maintenance type” video
-a good one is an “ what to do in case of _____” video
-another good one is “how to choose the right business “ video to avoid getting burnt
-or how about “do you think you've been burnt” video, “what you can do”

And yes, when all else fails you can do a straight old fashion commercial.

So you see these are just a few ways you can can use to video to connect with consumers.
The internet has allowed consumers control what they watch. If you just shove your commercial down their throat they can eliminate you with the click of a mouse.
So give them something useful to connect with you and make them feel good about doing business with you.
Video is the only way that you can emotionally engage a consumer to instill confidence and trust.
If done correctly you not only will separate yourself from a sea of other websites, you'll stand out and become the professional and authority figure within your industry thus making your business a dominate player.

So grab that camera and start rising to the top!

Author's Bio: 

Tim Valdez is the owner of and provides professional and customized videos for small business owners.