We are not only multidimensional rather thousand dimensional bodies. One single word, e.g. love, stands for thousand expressions for thousand occasions for one person and keeps on changing its definition from time to time. The same is true with other words too.
To continue with our multi dimensionality, we usually very easily hand over ourselves to others. E.g. to media, to our culture, to strangers, to book writers, to our friends, to our teachers, and of course to our parents. And mostly it is free of cost. Sometimes we pay a high price for that loss. But we are too ignorant to get rid of that.
Likewise, when we are inspired by someone, we see the world from his/her point of view. In this process, we define ourselves in different scenarios in a different way and continue to refine our definitions of identity and freedom.
In maintaining relationships, we are again Multi-D personalities. That is why, for some, we behave like angels and for some we are idiots. For some we are trustworthy, for some we are cheater. For some, we are beautiful, for others we are just OK. For some we are capable and intelligent, for others we are dull minded and stubborn. In short, the more acquaintances we have, the more identities we attain and justify. Many of us are rather ignorant of their multidimensional nature and keep on justifying that they are carrying only one identity in all areas of life. A very few of us would no doubt be with the unique identifying features that would never change in any circumstance but these types of personalities are very rare and exceptional.
Some call our versatility, political, diplomatic, wise, vigilant and multitasking mind set-up. Some will take it negative: they will call others cheaters, double-faced, dual standard and selfish fellows. Here it is important to note that our personality traits remain the same whereas our behavior to some extent is changed for a while due to external circumstances. And if noted closely, we are quite ignorant of our timely changes (adjustments). To make it clear, imagine you are talking to your enemy in a polite way! Is it depicting your true feelings for him/her? Similarly if you allow yourself to truly analyze your behavior, you will find many examples like that (when you are not behaving what you are).
It is very important to understand that not only we are multi dimensional but also very strict in our conduct to preserve our core concepts. Sometimes we feel a strange conflict between our beliefs and behavior (required for a specific purpose). At those times, we need to leave aside our concepts for a while and take a step that is required to save our life. Take an example of ‘Paracetamol’ that is only required at the time of need- would not deal with the disease but lessen the effects associated with it. So in some conflicts, our beliefs would remain the same; rather we need to change our behavior only for a short time to solve an immediate problem.
Things are not impossible to tackle with but we need a right way to deal with. We cannot change the cause of the problem, but the outcome can always be slowed down or less painful. Think about the patients of surgery who need to deal with the pain patiently with the help of painkillers. Likewise in cold and flu, you need to deal with the symptoms only. Just like that, in the case of abuse, one need to understand that damage is there- we cannot change the fate but change the symptom. Abuse related memory can make a person scared, vulnerable and miserable as well as brave, strong, energetic and alert. This is true for all kinds of hurts we feel in our lives- we need to deal with our feelings temporarily and wisely to save us.
Our emotions are very much flexible in essence just like our multi dimensional behavior. Have you noticed, in times of distress, someone made you happy by only one click of the word? Have you noticed in your happy time, someone made you sad by only one killing sentence or so? All these incidents prove our shifting from one emotion to another in absolutely no time. And sometimes there is a gap of ages from shifting one emotion to another due to our rigidity and inflexible attitude. So we need to focus on what emotion needs what kind of dimension to feel better. Take the example of cheese that we can see from different angles. Similarly our emotions need to be explored from different angles at different times for our goodness.
It is also possible that we behave differently in the same situation due to our inner emotional state. If we are distressed or stressful, we cannot be very polite with our colleagues at work. If we are happy from inside, we transfer our pleasant mood to others. All of such truths we need to keep in mind for evaluating others behavior too.
A new type of dimension starts to develop when we meet with strangers. Our next meetings are based on our first image we have already created for each other. We keep on learning about different relationships in life and maintain our universal human multi dimensionality.
Although we are unique in ourselves but our emotions are not static. We keep on learning from each other and from the world to grow further for the betterment of ourselves and others. Today we are extremely satisfied with someone’s point of view and the next day we will deny its credibility. We need to change our opinions because we learn from our mistakes and experiences. We need to be flexible in our everyday life with us and with others so that we could achieve a good balance between our learning and satisfaction. We need to have good control of our emotions if we want our beliefs protected and admired. A good balanced way of thinking and feeling is the only solution to extremists who simply forget to give time to themselves in their blind conduct towards extreme goodness or extreme negativity.
Mona Aeysha, PhD, is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist, have been working as a Teacher, Counselor and Researcher in several institutes of China, Pakistan and Cambodia. Her major areas of interest are: self –esteem, self-concept, conceptual psychology, belief psychology, self psychology, preferential psychology, cultural psychology and women psychology.
You are always welcome to contact her via email if you have any query in this regard.
Dr Mona
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