Oh No! What Do I Do Now?

Do you want to be happy?

We are all called to be here on planet earth in this skin suit, in a specific time (now), for a specific reason (purpose).


You can never be fully happy UNTIL you are sharing, and using YOUR God given talents. Time, treasure, talents, check all of the above.

What are you doing when time seems to stop?

When you look up at the clock and say, " Wow! I thought it was 2:00.", when in fact it is 6:00 PM. That is what you need to do, to be happy always.

The world needs you!

The fact there is only one of you created in all time, for all time, in all the world history, proves this fact clearly.

Life on this earth is over in a blink of an eye. Do not waste this tiny vapor breath of life we are given on pursuits that do not bear good fruit.

Shine YOUR light, and all the world will feel your healing rays, including YOU!




"What is the single illuminating thing which shines its light on all the elements of the best parts of your life (the sound of which makes your heart sing and your feet dance)? Answer that and then know: that is the thing you must do."
~Mary Anne Radmacher

Author's Bio: 

Deb Scott has a BA from Regis College, major in Biology, Memeber; Beta, Beta, Beta.
In her 20 year cardiac surgery sales specialist career, Deb won numerous awards for outstanding sales acheivement and leadership.
A member of Biltmore's Who's Who, and Cambridge Who's Who, for excellence in the creation of her Unique Vintage Boutique; "A Little Bit Of Rachel" (www.alittlebitofrachel.com). Created in honor of her mother, and best friend, Rachel.
Deb is the Author of the new book; The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue - turning your upside down world right side up! (www.greenskyandbluegrass.com)