As with other states there are both public and private elementary schools in New York. Generally speaking, the private schools have a smaller teacher to student ratio than public schools. However this does not mean that the students attending public schools are not provided with individualized attention.

It is worth noting that public schools in New York are classified by the letters PS and a number.


When going through reviews and rankings of the various New York elementary schools, some seem to rank slightly higher than others. Some of the most renowned elementary schools in this state include Anderson school, Kingsbury school, Lower Lab school, Independence school, David Porter school, Douglaston school, Grand Central Parkway school and Manhattan New school.
Rankings are usually calculated after checking out students’ performance or results in standardized tests. In case of elementary school these tests mainly focus on reading, writing and maths skills.
Most elementary schools in New York are considered to be relatively first-rate, due to the fact that they give a good deal of importance to technological advancements. These in turn help to make educational activities and classes more innovative.

In fact most elementary schools in New York have equipped computer labs and science labs too.
New York elementary schools are governed and regulated by the New York State Education Department. This ensures that all schools follow guidelines and regularly checks out performance of staff and students’ achievements. Assessments are in fact used a great deal to make sure that good quality education is being catered for. Several New York elementary schools surpass other schools even in earning recognitions and rewards on a national basis.


Elementary schools cater for the foundation of good educational skills in young students. Apart from reading, writing and maths skills, elementary schools also focus on social studies, science, arts and physical education.

Parents’ Involvement

Parents’ involvement is given importance as well. In fact councils and parent-teacher associations are found in practically every school. This helps to create a second home for students, and contributes to a better and more loving environment. All this helps to make students feel more encouraged to do their best at school.

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New York elementary schools are considered to be of very good quality due to various reasons. A list of public and private schools located  in this state can be found in top elementary and secondary schools online directories in fact.