Country/State or Province/City Lookup

In many situations SharePoint users have a series of choices to make with dropdown menus. Let’s take for example, you’re looking up a specific city in a series of dropdown menus but you must first start with the country. Let’s say you are trying to specify that a certain user is from Vancouver, Canada.

Without Cascaded Lookup, a SharePoint user would first select:
Country -> Canada

That’s when the Cascaded Lookup comes in. Without Cascaded Lookup, you’d have to scroll through every Province in the world before finding British Columbia.

But with SharePoint Boost’s Cascaded Lookup, when you choose Canada, you will then only have ten provinces and three territories to scroll through before you find British Columbia. This is compared with, well let’s just say really long list of every Provinces or States in the world. So if this the State/Province selection already saves you time, that amount of time saved is nothing compared to how much time it will save you in the city lookup.

Our Latest Creation: Cascaded Lookup 3.0

SharePointBoost’s Cascaded Lookup has received yet again another upgrade. This means, of course, many new features including:

• Multiple parent-child relationship
• Multiple filtered lookup
• Option to display an additional column

But the best thing that comes with version 3.0 is the improved lookup performance (click here to check the details). Cascaded Lookup is such a useful product that it’s hard to imagine how you’ve been navigating through SharePoint without it.

Author's Bio: 

A SharePoint MVP who continues to seek knowledge and pass on my existing knowledge of SharePoint.