It’s very surprising to know even today there are several couples having multiple myths regarding conception and are unaware about the real facts of carrying a child. Here we discuss some of the common myths about getting pregnant with real facts as well:

• The most common myth about conception is the position of man and woman. Many couples have myth that their position during intercourse matters to get pregnant. But according to the experts, small difference in distance really does not matter at all.

• Everyday intercourse is another one myth. Might be couples have several reasons to have sex everyday but definitely conceiving the child is not one of them. When you try to conceive it’s good to have frequent sex during the woman’s fertile period which is the sixth day immediately after ovulation.

• Couples thought ovulation happens 14 days after a period especially those who are trying to conceive or avoid the pregnancy. But it’s not the accurate way to predict the fertility as only about 30% women are fertile during 10 to 17 days of menstrual cycle. If you want to make accurate prediction you can use LH predictor kit.

• Some couple thinks that they can’t get pregnant while woman’s menstruating. Well this is again not a full proof fact. According to a study there are very few days when sex can occur without pregnancy and if you start count the day one of menstrual cycle then she could be fertile again by day four. This is because the sperm ejaculates in woman will survive for four to five days and might be you get pregnant at this time.

• Many women have secret myth that they can’t get pregnant first time but when there is a chance for an egg and sperm to meet there is a chance for conception. No matter whether it is your first time or more than it.

• Some have misconception- if man removes his penis before ejaculation from the woman’s vagina then that guarantees the pregnancy won’t occur. But the fact is that around 4 out of 100 women can still get pregnant because sometimes uncontrollable fluid can appear during stimulation on the penis and this can pick up sperm that still find its way to an egg.

• Determining the child gender is one of the concerned of various couples who trying to conceive. Well some of them thinks they can’t determine it but experts says that amount of calories consume during conception can help you to determine the child’s gender. If mother could shift 10 in 20 to 11 in 20 then she is more likely to have a baby boy.

These are some common myths with expert’s advice and facts, keep them in mind and start planning your family without any myth.

Author's Bio: 

Dr Anoop Gupta CEO of Delhi IVF expert in IVF Treatment India running IVF last 15 years. We offer Surrogacy in India and Delhi and over India at cost effective than anywhere else in the world.