My Trip to Scotland

When working for American Airlines (in my younger days), my sister (Jackie), a friend (Janice) and myself planned a trip to Scotland. My grandfathers' ancestors were from there and Janice's father had a “tape pal” there. She promised him that we would visit. The day finally arrived and off to Scotland we went.

We rented a car and just drove from town to town. We arrived at the town we were to visit the family and called for directions. We finally found the place and I guess we kept them waiting, at least it seemed like we did. We went inside, had a nice visit and then suddenly everyone left the room. Janice said, did you notice they all have the same teeth and eye glasses? We discussed that a little and also that they had all kinds of electronics and no refrigerator. Soon, they all came back into the room only to be told they were taping our conversation. I'm sure you know how embarassed we were when they played back the tape. At a later date, they sent the tape to Janice's father.

Next, we went to Edinburgh. Wouldn't you know there was some kind of festival going on and almost impossible to find a place to spend the night. Finally we found a place that supposedly had one room left. I don't mind telling you, this woman looked like a witch. After climbing a thousand stairs, she brought us to a room that looked more like a store room than a place to spend the night, but we thought it was better than nothing. We asked about a bathroom and she pointed to another door in the hallway. Well, picture a very large room with about three couches and several lounge chairs. In a corner was a little partitioned cubicle with a toilet and sink. Really---could this be for real. Naturally we took gobs of pictures and believe it or not, not one developed. Oh, did I mention the sheets were dirty?

The following morning we went down for breakfast. She brought us orange juice in the most beautiful, but greasy goblets I've every seen. We excused ourselves, advised her we were running late to catch a train to London and went upstairs got our bags. She offered to call a cab for us and we were about to leave when she insisted on giving us a receipt for our stay. It was hand written on the back of an old Christmas card.

Wow, what an eventful trip!

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Author's Bio: 

I'm an old retired woman living in Hinkley, CA. Those of you who have seen the movie,
Erin Brockovitch, know a little about Hinkley. During my life I have moved several times
and have lived in New Jersey, New York, Arizona, Indiana, North Carolina and California.
I worked for American Airlines for 11 1/2 years and that enabled me to travel to many
destinations. I had lots of fun when I was young!

I have been disabled since 1998 and as a result I have tried numerous programs and I have finally found one that actually does what it claims - Wealth Creations Network.