Article Title: My Notes from the Book ‘Basic Christianity’ by John Stott: "Who on Earth is Jesus Christ" (Part One)
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (Key Words/Tags): Christianity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Thoughts on Jesus, Spiritual Growth, Faith, Empowerment, Transformation, Inspiration, Empowerment, Spirituality, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Writings, Awareness, God
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig and may be freely published)
Publishing Guidelines: These thoughts in point-form (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.
"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."
Submitter’s Note:
The Book 'Basic Christianity' by John Stott
(Published by Inter-Varsity Press, UK (First edition 1958)
I took these brief notes from the above book – a most illuminating, revealing and enlightening read on the life and person of Jesus Christ). Incidentally, this book (and others by John Stott) is available for download (PDF) at
Here are some of my notes (in point form) from this "easy to read" book by John Stott,that I am currently reading and “studying”. And as I share, I learn more too. No matter what you may know or believe about this most significant (and controversial) figure in human history. Anyway enjoy...
He hated hypocrisy in others and always demonstrated utmost sincerity. And most importantly, his character appears to support his claims. He does appear to be who he said he was - with no discrepancy between his words and deeds. In short, his character was unique. If he was sinless, he was distinct from us, supernatural. He was "the light of the world." And "born to be their Saviour", the "bread of life" to the hungry in spirit.
He possessed a keen moral judgment: "He knew what was in man."
What Christ himself thought
Jesus stated directly that he was without sin. He lived a life of perfect obedience to his Father's will ("I always do what is pleasing to Him"). It is clear that Jesus believed himself to be sinless, as he believed himself to be the Messiah and the 'Son of God'.
What Christ's friends said about him
They too said that he was without sin.
"All we like sheep, have gone astray."
He believed ardently in what he taught (though his doctrine was unpopular to the masses), but he was not a fanatic (though perhaps a bit eccentric). Still... and most importantly, there is as much evidence for his humanity as his divinity. He gets tired, needs to sleep, eat and drink, like other men. And vitally, he experiences, fully, the human emotions of love and anger, joy amd sorrow. He is fully human; yet he is no mere man!
Above all, Christ was unselfish. In thought he put himself first: in deed last. He exhibited both the greatest self-esteem and the greatest self sacrifice. In Him the Lord became servant..
He said he was going to judge the world; yet he washed the apostles feet.
Christ demonstrated complete self mastery, self control (he never retaliated, when provoked).
In his life: "I seek not my own will, my own glory."
There is no self interest in love. The essence of love is self sacrifice.
Jesus was sinless, because he was selfless. Such selflessness is love. And God is LOVE.
The disciples were changed
It was the resurrection that transformed Peter's fear into courage, James' doubt into faith... and Paul, the fanatical Pharisee and persecuter of Christians into Paul, the greatest apostle for Christianity..
Let me be a channel for YOUR peace, a window for Your light to shine through to everyone I meet. Lord, touch me where I need the touch the most. Let more people experience the REAL YOU, Who You really are. God, Use my 'little' life as a focus for YOUR infinite possibilities.”
Shared by craig (with gratitude to John Stott)
("Information and Inspiration Distributor, Writer for Self Empowerment, Incorrigible Encourager and People-builder")
"Faith sees the invisible,
follows the unfathomable...
and achieves the impossible."
"I'd rather attempt something great and fail, than attempt nothing and succeed."
- Norman Vincent Peale
"Let the light of your BEING shine brightly; so revealing Who You Really Are. Be a Bringer of the Light, which emanates from our soul, God, our Creator, the Source, the Essence of Life (and Ground of our very Being). Therefore, it can do more than illuminate your own path.YOUR spirit will help makes the lives of others easier by illuminating others paths. For this light is our humanity, the spirit of God, truth, wisdom, beauty and especially love...and it lies within each one of us. Through your actions and your being, let your light, YOUR spirit truly shine brightly on the world, like the radiance emitted by a candle at midnight."
- craig (as adapted from Neale Donald Walsh in 'Conversations with God’ Book 3).
"Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, encourage, empower, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."
These thoughts may be freely published
"God is a mystery, the 'mystery of life', a Creative Presence, Who/That allows me to be who I really want to be and become."
"God, the Essence of Life, is the great mystery in the vast unknown; yet He(??) is understandable."
May the light of God light your path up ahead
About the submitter:
Craig likes (rather loves) to share knowledge and insights from his life experiences with dashes of humour to try and help others in 'every little way' he can...
without being too much of a "Mr too airey-fairey, arty-farty, goody-goody boring two shoes" (as he's lost the other one and anyway, they may be different colours!)
The various books* that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at: (e-books)
Craig’s novel 'The Awakened Spirit' is based on some true stories from the 'beloved country' of South Africa. Inspiring stories of endless possibilities of the indomitable human spirit, that lies within each one of us.
The submitter is currently writing his own "work" (a "real labour of love and enlightenment" (to himself) titled 'WHO ON EARTH IS (WAS) JESUS CHRIST?' and is posting extracts on his new blog at
The submitter’s blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and
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