Article Title: My Notes from the Book ‘Basic Christianity’ by John Stott
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (Key Words/Tags): Christianity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Thoughts on Jesus, Spiritual Growth, Faith, Empowerment, Transformation, Inspiration, Empowerment, Spirituality, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Writings, Awareness, God
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Submitter’s Note:
The Book 'Basic Christianity' by John Stott
(Published by Inter-Varsity Press, UK (First edition 1958)
I took these notes from the above book – a most illuminating, revealing and enlightening read on the life and person of Jesus Christ). Incidentally, this book (and others by John Stott) is available for download (PDF) at
Here are some of my notes (in point form) from this "easy to read" book by John Stott,that I am currently reading and “studying”. And as I share, I learn more too. No matter what you may know or believe about this most significant (and controversial) figure in human history. Anyway enjoy...
We can find God in Jesus Christ. God is himself seeking us and we must ourselves seek God.
Before man stirs himself to seek God, God has sought man. In the Bible we see God reaching out to man. It's an invitation.
Redemption in Christ
Men needed to be delivered, not from slavery in Egypt or from exile in Babylon, but from the exile and slavery of sin. It was for this principally that Jesus Christ came. He came as a Saviour.
" shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."
"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
"For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost"
In essence, Christianity is a religion of salvation.
(My comment:
Jesus never claimed directly to forgive sins, which is one of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity (though other disciples, such as John, famously said in 3:16 and Paul in 1 Corinthians sincerely believed and wrote that he did)...
though personally I CHOOSE to believe that.)
Christ's promise is plain: "Seek and you will find."
God desires to be found, but only by those who seek him.
We must seek diligently, humbly and obediently.
The Claims of Christ
"He who has seen me has seen the Father."
The person and work of Christ are the rock upon which the Christian religion is built.
His self-centred teaching
He was constantly talking about himself.
"I am the truth; follow me."
He uttered commands, such as: 'Come to me" and "Follow me!"
The most remarkable aspect of this self-centred teaching is that it was uttered by one, who insisted on humility in others.
Jesus's Direct Claims
He clearly believed himself to be the Messiah the Old Testament predicted ('Son of God'). He had come to establish the kingdom of God foretold by generations of prophets.
His claim to be the 'Son of God' was more than Messianic - it described his unique, intimate and eternal* relationship with God, the Father.
(My comment: We are what we believe ourselves to be. We “act out” and become what we believe about ourselves, who we think we are...and move in the direction of our most dominant thoughts, ie. what we focus on expands – this is in alignment (perfect) with psychological (and spiritual) principles. “As a man thinketh, in his heart, so is he.”)
* One of the most far-reaching claims he ever made was: "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am."
"My Father is working still, and I am working."
"I and the Father are one."
"I am in the Father and the Father in me."
(from John's Gospel)
"All things have been delivered to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and any one to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."
- Matthew 11:27s
to know him was to know God;
to see him was to see God;
to believe in him was to believe in God;
to receive him was to receive God:
to hate him was to hate God;
to honour him was to honour God.
After the resurrection, Jesus rebuked Thomas for his unbelief and invited him to feel his wounds. Then Thomas, overwhelmed with wonder, cried out, 'My Lord and my God!"
His Indirect Claims
1. To forgive sins: "My son, your sins are forgiven."... and
"Your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more."
However, the sins we commit against God can only be forgiven by God Himself!
2. Christ's second indirect claim was to bestow life.
He described himself as the "bread of life", "the life" and "the resurrection and the life." Jesus likened his followers dependence on him to the sustenance derived from the vine by its branches. He called himself the "Good Shepherd", who would not only give his life for the sheep; but give life to them. He stated that God had given him authority over all flesh, that he should give life to as many as God gave him, and declared, "the Son gives life to whom he will."
3. Christ's third indirect claim was to teach the truth.
His authority - an authority he claimed as his own: "No one ever spoke like this man."
He issued absolute moral commands like:
"Love your enemies."
"Do not be anxious about tomorrow."
"Judge not, that you be not judged."
"ASK and it will be given you."
4. Jesus's fourth indirect claim was to judge the world.
Those who have denied him, he will deny. ("I never knew you")
His Dramatized Claims:
His works dramatize his words. He practiced what he preached and lived his message.
His metaphors (powerful):
"I am the bread of life."
"I am the light of the world."
"I am the resurrection and the life."
These claims do not in themselves constitute evidence of deity. Still we cannot regard Jesus as merely, simply as a great teacher.
Jesus had a “uniquely special and intimate” relationship with God, the Father and totally surrendered his life to God’s will... and so can WE!
Shared by craig (with gratitude to John Stott)
("Information and Inspiration Distributor, Writer for Self Empowerment, Incorrigible Encourager and People-builder")
Let me be a channel for YOUR peace, a window for Your light to shine through to everyone I meet. Lord, touch me where I need the touch the most. Let more people experience the REAL YOU, Who You really are."
"Faith sees the invisible,
follows the unfathomable...
and achieves the impossible."
"I'd rather attempt something great and fail, than attempt nothing and succeed."
- Norman Vincent Peale
"Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, encourage, empower, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."
These thoughts may be freely published
"God is a mystery, the 'mystery of life', a Creative Presence, Who/That allows me to be who I really want to be and become."
"God, the Essence of Life, is the great mystery in the vast unknown; yet He(??) is understandable."
May the light of God light your path up ahead
About the submitter:
Craig likes (rather loves) to share knowledge and insights from his life experiences with dashes of humour to try and help others in 'every little way' he can...
without being too much of a "Mr too airey-fairey, arty-farty, goody-goody boring two shoes" (as he's lost the other one and anyway, they may be different colours!)
The various books* that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at: (e-books)
Craig’s novel 'The Awakened Spirit' is based on some true stories from the 'beloved country' of South Africa. Inspiring stories of endless possibilities of the indomitable human spirit, that lies within each one of us.
The submitter is currently writing his own "work" (a "real labour of love and enlightenment" (to himself) titled 'WHO ON EARTH IS (WAS) JESUS CHRIST?'
The submitter’s blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and
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