I was being interviewed recently and was asked the brilliant question of how I would describe my relationship with money. It was a perfect opportunity for me to share a metaphor that had been floating around in my mind recently: “It’s like an onion” popped out of my mouth. As I have been traveling on the path of being financially smitten, I am coming to really own something very important. “There is always more, and there is always deeper,” as one of my esteemed mentors once said to me. And these words remind me of an onion, peeling back layer after layer.

Being in any relationship is an opportunity for self-reflection and growth, and a relationship with money is no different. This has been especially evident to me as I’ve been reviewing 2010. One thing in particular that struck me has to do with the year’s spending. As fiscally conscious as I try to be, there are purchases that I regret. A few examples:

* the sweater that I loved in the store, wore a few times, and then decided wasn’t quite right.
* the membership dues paid to a professional organization I wound up not participating in the way I had envisioned.
* the organic arugula I never got around to eating {I think ‘good food gone bad’ is a super common one.}

I know I need to let go, forgive myself for whatever ‘mistakes’ I made when it came to money, and leave this behind. I do not need to carry this financial baggage with me. This money relationship stuff is a process, never to be completely wrapped up and tidied away….it’s an onion, allowing me “more and deeper” understanding of myself in so many ways.

I share this onion metaphor with you in the hopes that it helps you see your relationship with money as a journey. Viewing it this way highlights the importance of self-compassion. As someone who battles with perfectionism, my relationship with money provides ample opportunity for myriad life lessons. And when I can stay centered in this mindset, I can see the miracle and beauty of the journey as well as the personal growth it engenders.

Financially Smitten Call to Action for YOU today:

Think about your own relationship with money. Is there a particular word or metaphor that comes to mind for you that aptly describes it?

Author's Bio: 

Copyright 2011 Lora Sasiela & Financially Smitten. All Rights Reserved.

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As founder of Financially Smitten, Lora Sasiela, MSW, employs a proven blend of financial therapy, money coaching and personal experience to inspire women to approach their personal finances with consciousness, clarity, and confidence. Her dynamic coaching style, celebrated workshops, and information products, are inspiring a new generation of financial powerhouses who are kicking their fear, guilt and shame about money straight to the curb. Her work has been featured in national magazines such as Marie Claire and Glamour. To learn more about Lora and grab a free gift from her, visit her website, www.FinanciallySmitten.com.