My Husband Doesn't Put Me First: My Husband Doesn't Make Me A Priority

"My husband doesn't put me first!" Could you ever have imagined, the day you married the man of your dreams, that those words would ever come out of your mouth? Of course you didn't. You envisioned a marriage unlike any other that you'd ever heard of or witnessed. You thought that your husband would always cater to your needs the way he did when he first fell head over heels in love with you. Now, you've been pushed back behind his career, his friends and his hobbies. You feel second or third best and it's wearing you down. That's completely understandable. No woman gets married with the intention of becoming someone who feels disposable to her spouse. This is not a situation that is going to remedy itself. Unless you make it your number one priority and take measured steps to change the current dynamic of your marriage, you are going to continually resent your husband until it reaches a point where you feel the need to separate your life from his.

If your husband doesn't put you first, your marriage is not in the balanced place it needs to be. Granted, there are other important people and things that your husband cannot ignore, but in a general sense a woman should always feel as though, in her husband's eyes, nothing is more important than she is. If you don't feel that way, you're inevitably going to start pulling away from your husband because you feel taken for granted. That's why it's essential that you take a few steps to re-establish a balanced dynamic now.

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To begin with express to your husband in a calm, rational and very direct way that you don't appreciate the position you've fallen to within his life. Surprisingly, to many women, a good number of men don't even recognize when they are pushing their wife aside for other things. Your husband may truly feel that your bond with one another is so strong and based in such a deep place of security that there's nothing that can come before that. In his heart he may view you as his main focus, but his actions just aren't relaying that message. That's why simply telling him that you feel you aren't his priority may be enough to snap his attention back to where it needs to be.

If speaking with him about your feelings doesn't change anything you obviously need to take a different approach. One method that many women have found useful is to stop being as attentive to their husbands as they have been. You may feel this is compromising who you are as a woman and partner, but you must view it as simply a lesson in guidance for your husband. By showing your husband the emotions that come racing to the surface when one spouse feels neglected, he'll start to begin to understand what you're feeling. I wouldn't recommend doing anything very drastic while you attempt to show him that you're not putting him first. It's best to do it in a very subtle way by making plans that don't include him, neglecting to make his dinner or not actively asking him how his day went.

Once your husband starts to notice the shift in your behavior, his mindset should also shift accordingly. He's going to realize that your focus has wandered off him to other things and that generally won't sit well with most men. He'll suddenly become very attentive, he'll anticipate your needs and nothing will be more important than you.

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I have a friend who had to save her marriage alone. Her husband wanted a divorce and no amount of persuasion could make him change his mind. I saw how painful it is to be the only one trying to salvage the broken marriage and my friend was desperate to get her husband back. She nearly gave up on their marriage. However, she sought professional help and she shared with me these 3 tips you can use to to learn how to save marriage alone.

Tip #1: Know that you HAVE a choice.

You might feel as though you do not have a choice. Your spouse is determined to leave you and feel obliged to respect his or her decision. Truth is, you HAVE a choice. While we cannot and must not manipulate, blackmail or threaten our partners to change their mind, we can control the way we respond to situations. Often, we feel that our partner's actions are causing unhappiness in the marriage, but your reactions to those actions are also a contributing factor.

For example, you might feel hurt that your spouse cheated on you. But instead of feeling depressed and losing control over yourself, you can ask him or her in a controlled tone why they cheated. This way, you can better communicate with your spouse and the chances of saving your marriage is higher too.

What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time

Tip #2: Take the initiative to change.

Loss of communication, love and intimacy are 3 common causes of rough patches in marriages. So even if your spouse is unresponsive and stubborn, you should take the initiative to remind your spouse how positive, engaging and proactive you were when both of you were in love.

There will be times when either or both of you will look back and reminisce the good old days together. By being 'yourself' takes your spouse attention away from the current plight of your marriage. It will bring him or her back to those happy days and he or she will see a possibility of a happy future together with you.

Tip #3: Let go and receive.

Let go of the quarrels, disagreements and fights. Give your emotions space to receive love and happiness. Allocate intimate time just for your partner and enjoy being in each other's arms. At the end of it let each other know how much you enjoy it and look forward to more of such activities.

The key thing to note here is, inside that current state of depression and sadness, there is a side of you that longs for happiness and love from your partner. Be sincere and committed in making adjustments to the marriage and follow the 3 steps I have recommended.

These are 3 tips you can use if you want to know how to save marriage alone. Remember that reading this article alone will not save your marriage. You must take action and use these 3 tips as a guide to ensure things work out between you and your partner.

Next, click here now to find out why your spouse is lying to you about the reasons they want a divorce. Follow the information step by step and you will discover the truth, cut through the lies and pain, stop divorce dead in its tracks, and rebuild the strong, intimate marriage you've always wanted... even if your spouse doesn't want to!

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I congratulate you for trying to save your marriage. I have two reasons for this: An overwhelming majority (87%) of all marriages fail. Marriages aren't easy to maintain, and most couples choose to take the easy path to divorce, and end their marriages. But I don't see marriages as come and go things, I see them as permanent bonds, uniting two people until eternity. If more people were like you and tried to save their marriages, the world would be a better place.

The second reason is that, I was too in an ending marriage and know the pains associated with it very well. I was desperate to save my marriage, and tried to do it by myself. I tried to think of ways on how to save a marriage - and I begged my husband. That was the only thing I could think of, unfortunately. I knew it wasn't going to help, but when I saw that it really didn't help, I went even more desperate.

What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.

But then I realized something - I wasn't able to think clearly. I understood that if I wanted to save my marriage, I had to look for some kind of outside advice. It was clear that by myself I was going nowhere, I was always crying and begging to my husband.

And as soon as I got some outside advice, things got better. I understood everything from a wider perspective and got a hold of myself. I straightened everything out - and saved my marriage.

This is the most crucial piece of advice to give if you want to learn how to save your marriage. You must be desperate now - never do what your instincts tell you to, and get some outside advice.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

There can be a number of reasons why your spouse has reached the decision to end the marriage. Many of which are common and some that are unique to your own marriage. But, although the marriage has reached the point of divorce because of one of these reasons, it's often what we do while trying to save our marriage that delivers the final blow. So it is extremely important that you understand what not to do while trying to save your marriage, and I would like to spare you from damaging your marriage further by discussing 3 ways you'll ruin your chances to save your marriage.

One of the first ways in which you can make your marriage crisis worse is by letting your emotions get the best of you. It's a troubling time right now I know. You're on a bit of an emotional roller coaster widely out of control and speeding through the next heated discussion over the marriage. You have so much to say about what went wrong. In fact, you've been taken over with a blinding passion to fix it.

But, what you may not be aware of is, this passion to fix it is also what could ruin it. It's made up of anger, confusion, desperation, sadness and overall hurt rolled up into one big emotional grenade so to speak. You're on the verge of an emotional explosion, and it could go many different ways. You could lose control, say things you don't really mean. Sink into depression with no real action to save your marriage. You could do things you've never done before, like throwing your spouses clothes out the door, threatening to harm yourself, or making a scene at their place of employment forever shrouding them in irreversible embarrassment. There are many more ways in which we do this, but you get the idea. Our emotions if left unchecked during this time can ruin our chances to save our marriage.

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The second, and probably one of the hardest to do is, allowing our spouse the proper time and space they need to think this through. It seems unfair at first I know. You may even think that, if you leave them alone then they will leave even sooner because your not doing anything to save it. But, it's quite the opposite. When you're constantly in you're spouses face about the marriage, then it becomes more about avoiding you. When and if this happens, then the chances of communications between the both of you to save the marriage become slim to none. It now reinforces your spouses decision to leave. So give your spouse some space to think this over.

The third way is probably the hardest to accept. Leaving it up to yourself to save your marriage could ruin your chances altogether. This isn't to say that you should seek marital counseling. Especially given that traditional marriage counseling only has about a 20% success rate and it's cost can be outrageous. Not to mention, it's pretty pointless if your spouse is unwilling to go. It can actually bring about more problems than before, including it's financial burden.

So, where can you turn? Following a well thought out plan designed to save a marriage headed for divorce. One that allows you the option to save your marriage whether or not your spouse helps. A plan that aids in getting your emotions under control and guides you step by step on the best course of action. Also, one that teaches you what to say and how to react to certain situations and heated arguments about the marriage so that you gain positive results towards saving your marriage.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.

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Now you can stop your divorce or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit Stop Marriage Divorce

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.

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