Anti-Aging vitamins could be the difference between a normal lifespan for someone of your genetic makeup and an extraordinarily long and healthy life. Studies are showing that with the right type of nutritional and antioxidant supplementation along with proper diet and exercise, people could hope to live to a hundred years old, to a hundred and twenty years old, or ever longer!

Vitamins, on the other hand, do specific functions that no other nutrient can accomplish and are hence of great importance. Some vitamins help improve our vision while others keep out memory sharp. Some keep our skin tight and glowing while others prevent heart diseases. Therefore, it is an extremely smart decision to take these supplements on a regular basis.

Worried about the wrinkles on your cheeks, neck, forehead and other visible places? Worry not because anti-aging vitamins bring to you an extensive range of vitamins that offer solutions to all your woes. It has been scientifically proven that some vitamins directly act on the sites to control and inhibit signs of aging. The best way to control aging is to have a balanced diet that comprises of copious amounts of fruits and vegetables. But the body can absorb only a limited amount of vitamins from one's diet. The best and the most effective way is to apply vitamin rich ointments or lotions directly on these areas like under the eye, forehead etc.

When your body starts to age there are a variety of things that begin to change. Bones begin to get more brittle, you start losing some of your muscle, and you also may have a harder time fighting off diseases and injuries probably occur more often. It can be difficult to get the anti-aging nutrients that you need by diet alone, which is why most people can benefit from taking anti-aging vitamin supplements. When you take these supplements no doubt you will benefit from having more energy, a clearer mind, and better moods as well.

The proof has been found after extensive studies were carried out on the remote island of Sardinia which holds the world record for the highest number of centenarian women per capita. Consumed in high daily doses, this polyphenol is a fungi which grows naturally in the red grape skin to fight bacteria but if consumed medical journals have observed - cleans your arteries.

Other foods which help sell regeneration are food which are high in omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants. These are known as Vitamin B-6, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Beta carotene, Folic acid and Selenium. Food which are rich in the above and which are important for anti-aging are: berries, olive oil, barley green, seaweed, green leafy vegetable and raw nuts and seeds.

The most important thing is to be disciplined and have the daily quota of anti aging vitamins starting from an early age. This can be slightly difficult initially but the aim should be to make it a habit and follow it religiously. The effect of these vitamins is cumulative and we need to keep taking them to ensure a healthy and prolonged life.

Dermatologists consider Vitamin E the most important antioxidant. It's known to protect cells and to prevent damage to enzymes associated with cells. Laboratory studies show that Vitamin E can help to make free radicals less able to cause damage to cells. Other studies say that Vitamin E applied to the skin can reduce damage by exposure to UV and may even limit the production of cells that may cause cancer.

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