Career transition has money and career on many women's minds lately. Since many women are sensing the change in the air, I've heard several comments about using this time of workplace instability to "find your bliss".

What I've noticed is that often it is believed that if you "just do what you love", you will be successful and your hobby will morph into a business that can take the place of your job. It would be nice if all we had to do were "build it and they will come".

Nowadays, this is not even the case and what is really not likely to happen is that you will suddenly find yourself with a thriving business by simply following your bliss. No, what you are going to have to do is have a vision and a plan in place to put structure to your bliss so that it can take form in the marketplace.

This I know for sure, as I currently am following my bliss and I've had to take lots of action to turn it into a business. When I was a practicing physician opening a brick and mortar office it was obvious. Starting an online business or building a speaking or coaching business is no different in that you still have to know where you want to go and put structure around your ideas to bring it into manifestation.

If you do not, your bliss is going to stay a hobby. It is easy for people to get confused when they hear already successful people say things like "don't worry about the money, just do your bliss" and assume that the well known successful one just became that way by showing up. If it were that simple everyone would just follow their bliss and watch the employees, programs, education and training and all other support just show up.

While I would not suggest you ever "worry" about money, (it's a great way to stay broke or stress out trying to get and hang on to it - worry is a form of lack consciousness), the truth is, you are going to have to take action and do some planning. So, what are some things you need to consider as you consider leaving that job you hate or if you have been laid off?

Here are some things I did as I decided to continue to grow and move on to my next career adventure:

1. I became clear about the next step of my life purpose and began to keep my eyes and ears open for guidance. When the perfect opportunity arose, I leaped at it. If you find yourself pushed out of your job box, you may not have this option.

2. In either case, once you are launched into the unknown, begin to get as clear as you can about the overall end result of your vision. Don't concern yourself with the "how to" and stay flexible. The vision is just to give you a target to focus your brain/mind on. A foggy vision makes for fear and panic as your fear center is bound to become involved in self-sabotaging you.

3. In my case, I knew nothing about the web, speaking or coaching business and I had much to learn. I did not even know what a blog was. I always have had an overall vision, so as I stay present, listen and learn, the next step continues to show up. For example, I found the perfect coaching program and while I was in training, I dove in and started learning about the web. Over that year I became quite proficient. If you don't have the resources financially to support you, consider alternatives of course. This is why having a clear vision is so important out the gate because if you don't, you are bound to be side-tracked by fear and the tendency to fall back into looking for the old standby - no matter how much you hated what you did at work.

These are just general starting suggestion, yet the key here is you must gain CLARITY. If you cannot articulate your business plan, you are in trouble. If you have no model for how to earn income, your bliss will never be more than a hobby.

Also, beware if you think that thinking about money and bliss cannot go together. This is an indication of an unconscious money sabotaging limiting belief. Money is neutral and is the system we all use to exchange energy and time. If you are not putting it in the equation, the chances of your bliss providing a means for you to live on is dead out the gate. You may as well resign yourself to having a hobby and go look for another job.

I love what I do and yes, and I could do it for free for those who I'm meant to serve but had no visible resources. However, since I don't happen to have multiple millions sitting in a drawer somewhere, I need to create wealth as I follow my bliss. True, I may choose to occasionally provide free service, yet I do not believe the Universe intends for me to be financially barren in my service to others. This idea that spirit/purpose and money doesn't mix gives the Universe a bum rap.

If I want to expand my services to serve many people and support other organizations that align with my purpose, I had better have a business and vision that will allow for this. "Follow your bliss" is a catchy idea, and having a clear vision and taking inspired action is the reality of the human experience manifestation process.

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Website: Visit for your free jump-start report & audio, "7 Common Myths That Block Your Vision for Your Life - And What to Do About It"

Valencia Ray MD is a former eye surgeon who with clear intention sold her medical practice to now show women entrepreneurs and professionals how to eliminate blind spots that block their true potential and limits their vision for business success, happy relationships and good health.

Every week she gives uncommon tips and strategies in her Mind Muscle Minutes and blog, to expand your vision for your business, relationships and a healthy lifestyle, and how to make it happen! You can claim your free reports and learn more at