Have you ever thought if I could only get that degree it will be smooth sailing? I would be able to make enough money to pay my bills and live a good life. Or maybe you have thought I’ll start going to the gym, after I lose 20 lbs? Many of us moms have insecurities and hang-ups that stop us from pursuing the things we really want in life. Many of us moms halt our dreams because we think we are not good enough and we can easily use the excuse of, “I have to take care of my family”, to get out of pursuing our own dreams.

Despite our current thinking that we can’t have it all or do it all. Despite our current belief that we have to go to college, spend lots of money and get a degree to make money, I’m going to ask that you to suspend that that thinking for a moment. Instead I’d like you to think creatively about, who you are and how you can get what you need, while supporting your family at the same time.

Let’s say that you have a dream of traveling the world, but you’re going to put it off until you retire and the kids are out the house. If you have a desire to travel the world, but are stuck in thinking you can’t, what if I told you there are moms doing it right now. They have downgraded or eliminated their mortgage and have packed up their families to travel nationally and internationally. Soul Travelers 3 travels the world while blogging about it as they go. While, Sara Janssen travels nationally with her two girls and hubby, she blogs about it as well and if you you’re wondering how they do it. They made the
decision to do what was most important and made room for it. It was that simple.

You may now be asking, well how do they make money to live? Well, these two families understand how multiple profit centers work and have created ways to make money in a portable fashion.

Too often, we get stuck into thinking that we are different from the people we see on the internet or on TV. We think we are not perfect enough or we don’t have what they have to begin. This faulty thinking stops us dead in our tracks. There is nothing special about Soul Travelers 3 or the Janssen family. The only thing that separates them from most of us is they had a dream and they pursued it. It’s that simple.

You are enough and have enough to start living your dreams right now. If you don’t know where to begin, get a journal and start writing your ideas out. Take some time to envision your perfect life. Where do you live, how do you live and what is most important to you? Start learning about what your good at through experimenting and play. Start asking the people who know and love you best what you’re good at.

Once you get clear about who you are, what you have to offer and how you want to live your life, get connected to people who are doing it. They don’t have to be doing exactly what you’re doing, but getting in touch with people who are living their dreams will help you face the fears that come along with making your dreams come true.

Getting any old job just because it pays well and has good benefits will not sustain your soul and feed your passions. Finding your passions, picturing your perfect life and realizing that you are enough to make “it” happen are the starting points to making a living and making it count.

Author's Bio: 

Michaela Sibanda works with moms who are challenged by finding joyful work and who really want work that pays the bills, feeds the soul and is flexible. What makes her service unique and creates successful outcomes is that she is a licensed Profiting from your Passions Coach and a mom who knows what it feels like to be torn between family and work. She also knows what it feels like to dread the 8 to late grind. She uses the life-first/work-second approach to career planning. And because of this her clients get clear about work opportunities that FIT who they REALLY ARE and the life they'd like to live. She knows you can share their same success. Go to www.michaelasibanda.com to get your FREE copy of the Create Work That You Love Workbook today.