One of the key factors that is against the development of sports in Nigeria today is the lack of effective leadership. Concerned and patriotic Nigerians daily offer many solutions to save us from the cattle ant. One of these solutions is this text entitled "Modern trends in sports management and management". It is written by Dr. Joseph Awoyinfa, Professor of Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria; researcher and education consultant. I was the person whom the author and university were invited to review the book when it was presented to the public on December 4, 2008 in Nigeria.

According to Awoyinfa, it is an obvious truth throughout the world that sport is now a reference problem that can no longer be ignored in various sectors of the economy and spheres of life. The author adds that this text takes a critical look at current issues in 먹튀검증administration and management and emphasizes theories and principles of modern trends in sports administration and management such as leadership, organization, planning, motivation, etc..

The text contains 16 chapters. The first chapter is called "the concept of sport management". Here, Awoyinfa says that administration is a concept that involves different things to different people at different times, leading to its diversity of definitions. He explains that leadership has been described in various ways, such as an art, a science, a person or people, a discipline and a process.

This author explains that as art, sports management is about performing the functions and tasks of sports organizations through people; While as a science, sports governance is about establishing philosophy, laws, theories, principles, processes and sports practices. According to him, sports management is defined as a means of creating formal structures and a business based on a mission, goals, objectives, functions and tasks.

Awoyinfa says that sports management as a person or group of people can only refer to the manager or to all senior staff, committees, etc. While the administration is a discipline, it is a field of study with several subjects and subjects. The author clarifies that sports management as a process is a systematic way of doing things. Awoyinfa highlights management functions in sports administration such as planning, organizing, staffing, management / leadership, control, coordination, budgeting and evaluation. About who is a sports manager, this author reports that a sports manager is anyone at any level of sports organization he heads
The efforts of others to achieve the goals of the sports organization.

Chapter Two is based on the theme of evolution and trends in sports management thinking. Here, Awoyinfa reveals that the evolution of sports management thoughts goes back to the days when people first tried to reach their goals by working together in a group. In his words, "there were many thoughts and theories of management many years before the early twentieth century (20) that marked the beginning of modern sport management thinking. twentieth century (XX) with the work of Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol. The industrial revolution of the nineteenth century (XIX) probably provided the climate for this very serious theory. "

Awoyinfa adds that since the early twentieth century, writers on sports management and business theory have proposed various theories on how to manage work and staff more effectively and efficiently. This author educates that the three principal schools of managerial thought are: the classic; human behaviour; and the integrator. Awoyinfa also highlights the first sports management theorists; principles and characteristics of scientific management; evaluation of the theory of scientific management, etc. in this chapter.

Chapter three is thematically labeled "Principles of Sport Management." In this chapter, the education consultant explains that sports principles are the basic laws upon which the practice of sports management is based. He adds that management principles should therefore be based on general terms to be applied in sports organizations of different sizes and characteristics. "It is expected that modern sports executives and administrators will be able to identify and use appropriate principles relevant to specific situations.

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