Popcorn ceilings were commonly used in homes and rental buildings from the 1960s through the 1980s. They were cheap, easy to apply, and worked effectively to reduce noise. They were sprayed on ceilings, which resulted in an uneven, bumpy surface – hence the “popcorn” reference. According to Baron and Budd, a precedent-setting mesothelioma litigation firm, the government imposed a ban on the manufacture of popcorn ceilings in 1978 due to the health risks of asbestos. However, installation was not banned to allow manufacturers and suppliers to recoup investments. Unfortunately, the installation of popcorn ceilings continued throughout the 1980s.

Popcorn asbestos ceilings are not dangerous per se. Health risks for mesothelioma only arise when the ceiling material is disturbed, releasing asbestos fibers into the air. This typically happens when the air erodes the asbestos from the ceiling material. Asbestos fibers are also disturbed when the ceiling material is scraped off or sanded during renovation or remodeling. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos related disease, the first step towards receiving compensation from responsible parties is to speak with a seasoned mesothelioma attorney. Baron and Budd can help. Since the 1970s, the law firm of Baron and Budd has helped hundreds of mesothelioma victims get the justice and compensation they deserve.

Avoiding the Risks of Popcorn Ceilings
There are certain measures you can take to protect your family from exposure to asbestos. One is to leave the popcorn ceiling as it is. Baron and Budd also recommends calling a professional asbestos abatement contractor to complete the ceiling removal. Baron and Budd also have some useful information about popcorn ceilings that are useful to prevent asbestos exposure. One useful piece of information details how you can determine if your popcorn ceiling has asbestos and what to do if it does.

Baron and Budd cited a case where a man learned too late that the ceiling material he removed contained asbestos. Unfortunately, mesothelioma does not manifest until 15 or more years after initial exposure. It is a rare disease that affects an average of 3,000 people every year. For this reason it is important to seek legal advice as soon as one has been diagnosed with the disease. If you want to learn more about the legal options available if you or someone you know has been exposed to asbestos, please visit www.baronandbudd.com.

Author's Bio: 

Daniel knows many that have been impacted by this devastating disease. Now he works hard to share his experiences and to create increased awareness for these victims around the U.S. He is not an mesothelioma attorney and is not affiliated with the mesothelioma law firm , however he appreciates their involvement and dedication to protecting the rights of mesothelioma victims everywhere.