The endless onslaught of advertisements that fill the internet has made it more difficult to find real mlm leaders.. You should be doing your homework and researching network marketing and learn as much as you can about the industry, including the negatives. Are you afraid of talking to people? Can you see yourself ranking right along with other mlm leaders? Network marketing requires you to be able to effectively communicate with other people via the telephone,internet, or live in person. The relationship building process is the most essential element of making money with a netwok marketing opportunity.

So what's next? You have evaluated yourself and you feel you are ready to get involved in a network marketing opportunity, and you are clueless on what to look for.

1. Find your way through the garbadge and search only for mlm leaders that will assist you..

2. Look for a proven "turn key" system. One that you will be comfortable using, and understand and appreciate.

Once you decide what network marketing opportunity you wish to be a part of,and you realize you need a mentor, you will next need to match your personality type against the mlm leaders you have come across. The following paragraphs will help you do just that.

The Six Types of MLM Leaders

1. The Guru - Everybody wants to work with the guru. They have all the name recognition, they are famous , and they are wealthy, but is a guru the right choice for you? This is what to expect when partnering with a guru.

I. You rarely can be sponsored by one. They have very limited open spots.
II. Don't expect to get any major free training from a guru.
III. A guru will not hold your hand and see you through. They just don't have the time.

2. The Professional Helper - What a special group of mlm leaders. While you may be thinking hmm... a need a professional helper, you must realize there are very few mlm leaders who have taken this route. This is what to expect from them.

I. They are constantly finding new ways to train and encourage.
II. They are still able to be contacted for the most part.
III. You can ask them anything and they will answer it for you.

3. The Content King or Queen - Once again another unique group of mlm leaders. Here's what to expect.

I. These guys are the internet's version of rockstars.
II. They are just plain everywhere. They have massive exposure.
III. The usually have good face recognition due to videos.
IV. Something to take note of... anyone can pretend to be a super-star with enough exposure and some people simply copy and paste to create content.

4. The Master Advertiser - This is the most copied group of mlm leaders of them all. Most networker want to be a master advertiser, but simply end up annoying people.

I. They always seem to give you want you want when you need it.
II. They talk smoothly and confidently, and they attract customers to them due to their highly polished copy-writing skills.
III. If you learn the skill set of a master advertiser and become one, you will greatly increase your possibility of making money with your network marketing busines.
IV. To learn that skill set... You will need a lot of Time.
V. Be ready to spend a pretty penny to become a master advertiser.

5. The up and Coming MLM Leaders - This is group is one of the best groups to find an honest mentor who will help you. See what they are all about below.

I. Not gurus yet, some will eventually be, but in this vital stage in their careers they are more willing to help you as much as possible.
II. They go to events, they help there team and some even help with different costs.
III. There time isn't as scarce and they still train for free for the most part.
IV. Some of these MLM Leaders had a difficult path to generating success and can relate more to the average person.

6. The Newbie - Yeah I know newbies aren't mlm leaders yet, but they hold great value to you and here's why.

I. Newbies show you exactly how much the industry has evolved.
II. Most of the questions they ask on forums generate a wealth of knowledge back from professional helpers.
III. You can see a newbie's mistakes a learn from them before you go down a similar path.
IV. Newbies are like penny stocks. If you can find a good person right before they hit the ranks of mlm leaders you can get some amazing personal interaction. This will greatly increase your chance of being successful.

MLM Leaders are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get at first. Always do your homework and reasearch as much as possible. Remember though that your success in this industry or in life period is not dependant on others, it's about how much effort you put into your network marketing business.

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You can read a more colorful review of mlm leaders by visiting My blog. If you want to how the top network marketers Make real money Network Marketing Online, then visit my Success formula and grab 7 days of absolutely free video training