This weekend I was at a great summer party. There were at least 120 people there, great food and live music. Some guests enjoyed the pool, others danced. Me? I did a little of all that, but mostly I enjoyed meeting new people.

Passion for Creative Expression
One woman I met was really interested in what I do, and she shared with me some of her joys and accomplishments in life. She and her husband passed their business along to a son who was doing well. They recently bought a new home. She's healthy and fit. It was fun to talk to someone who was intrigued by learning and growing... and not retiring into the sunset.

Then I noticed a most interesting thing as we spoke. First, she got very excited, telling me how much she loves painting, how she wants to paint, and to learn and grow in her creative expression. She told me about her friend who painted beautifully, how inspiring she was.

She even bought a copy of The Artist's Way, and tried some of the exercises for freeing her creativity.

We each have an innate desire to create. It's in our human nature. Whether you create a beautiful home, start a family, plant a garden, start a business, fund a service organization, even to design your wardrobe, write a book... We have a fundamental "need" to create - and to grow.

I loved hearing her passion as this woman told me about the freedom and creativity she felt when painting.

Judgment Creeps In & Steels the Passion
Then she seemed to get very worried by something I said. Right before my eyes I watched her change from passion and creativity to worry and judgment. It was as if the wiring that fed her passion suddenly crossed over to judgment.

She became VERY concerned as she thought about people following their passion, developing their unique gifts, being empowered by their divine-light.

She seemed to think that if people (Who? Her, me, her grown children? Our world leaders?) developed an appreciation for and commitment to living in accord with their soul's calling, or their unique magnificence, that somehow they would become "pillow-y."

That's the word she used: Pillow-y

That's where her judgment crept in. I remember hearing - maybe even thinking - thoughts like this before. That idea that if we "follow our bliss," as Joseph Campbell used to say... that we would become soft and cushy.

But that's not what it means to live your passion, listen to your heart and soul!

Actually, it's with heart and soul that we make clear convictions that are founded in Truth, and contribute to life in a profound and meaningful way. Your passion and clarity of purpose can serve you by clearing the path - or lighting the way as you move forward. Unless you give way to fear, judgment, doubt.

Discouraging Words
Which is what happened with the woman at the party. Her judgment almost immediately became discouragement.

As I said, she changed right before my eyes. I've seen it before. She went from passion and excitement about her own authentic, creative expression -- to thoughts that led to fear and discouragement.

Did she think that if everyone lived their lives in accord with their authentic expression that perhaps all anyone would want to do it paint? Maybe. But that's not how it works!

Or maybe she thought that to follow your inner-light would mean you'd be unwilling, unable to look at the difficult situations that require attention. That's not how it works either.

This derailing thought-process is one we've collectively been leaning to for many decades, centuries, maybe longer. This idea that one must be power-driven, focused and disciplined, denying pleasure and spirit, refusing creativity and passion in order to succeed.

That may have been true, once upon a time, and only some of it's Truth. I believe she, like I so many times, and maybe you, lumped a bunch of thoughts together that are now only connected through fear and habit. To me it feels like a bunch of wires crossed that cause a short-circuit.

All of the possible outcomes from this out-dated thought-process are undesirable. Discouragement, more fear, no *new* ideas, disappointment, more effort, stronger polarities with opposing views. The list is longer, but that's enough to make my point.

It doesn't have to be like that. All we need to do is learn to uncross the wires.

Easy to say, simple to do.

A New Way
I join forces with a growing number of people across the globe who know that to create lasting change we must change how we face our circumstances, and our desires.

First - Stop thinking of your circumstances as problems to solve. Look instead at the opportunities for creativity that exist. Open your mind, your heart. See through eyes of possibility!

Next - Foster your connection to the Divine. This connection will continue to grow and show you that you are part of the infinite, that solutions, ideas, and opportunities abound. You are uniquely gifted at YOU. It's in your soul, in your heart, in your expression of spirit, creativity and passion.

Then - Nurture your unique gifts, invest in yourself, in your growth and in what you truly Love.

Then - Apply all that discipline we've developed so well! Be focused, committed, relentless in finding, being, having, contributing your unique gifts to the world.

Nothing "pillow-y" in that!
And no mixed-messages that snuff out the power of your spirit either.

I personally know many people who are creating amazing things in the world by living true to their divine-light. I meet more every week, and I'm writing about some of them in my new book. Some are my courageous clients, my dear friends, mastermind-partners... some I only know on FaceBook and Twitter. We're everywhere... and finding courage and conviction by the droves.

Join us! Let go of the mixed-messages that you've been telling yourself. They only serve to keep you from being the brilliant gift you are. Shine on!

Author's Bio: 

Tambra Harck is spiritual mentor, speaker, radio host and author, who guides visionary leaders and entrepreneurs to create new definitions and experiences of soul-level success: Divinely Inspired, Vitally Awake and Experiencing Your Soul Desire... in service, joy and grace. For more than 20 years Tambra's warm and insightful nature makes her a powerful speaker, often creating expanded possibility for clients and audiences. One of Tambra's passionate missions is to facilitate soul-level transformation with visionary leaders to create new definitions and experiences of success in the world today.

Founder and Spiritual Director at Soulful Living by Design; and Emergent Women. Media and speaker info is available at

Copyright 2009 Tambra Harck