The first layer is called the Ethric layer

The first layer of the aura is the Etheric Layer which extends up to two inches away from the body.

Because this is the first layer closest to the body it is like a second skin and is in constant motion.

Within this layer you will find the actual blueprint or map of the physical, and within it are all the impressions of the Chakras, Organs, Meridians and Glands.

Blockages in the Chakras can be seen in this layer, People who are psychic and viewing this layer report it being shades of blue or gray close to the skin and say it relates to the condition and health of the physical body.Moving on to the second layer which is the Emotional layer

The second layer of the aura is called the Emotional layer and it extends out from the body approximately two to four inches.

This layer is a mass of swirling energy that reflects the feelings and emotions that we experience.

This layer is always constantly changing because of the feelings we have the emotions and our circumstances in life and how we perceive them.

This layer dose not really resemble the body shape because it is not as defined as the previous layer.

Contained within this layer are the emotions of hate, love, anger, happiness; also stored within this layer are the emotions that have not been resolved which include things like loneliness, fear, resentment and so on.

Whatever is happening within this layer whether it be feelings or emotions will affect the Etheric layer and that in turn will also affect the physical body.

Psychics who can see this layer describe the colors as being like the colors of the rainbow, with bright vibrant colors when in a state of positive emotions and dark colors when in a state of negative feelings.

The Third Layer the Mental Layer

The third layer of the aura is known as the mental layer of the aura and will extend out from the physical body about eight inches .

Contained within this layer are all our thoughts such as our ideas , and beliefsalso reflecting on what our conscious mind is thinking at any given moment.

Within in this layer our thoughts are understood and processed, issues to do with our mental health are also reflected hear

Psychics who can see this layer say that the color is a very bright shade of yellow and becomes even brighter when focusing on a mental process.

The Forth Layer the Astral Layer

Known as the astral layer the forth layer of the aura extends out about eight to twelve inches from the physical body.

This astral layer is responsible for separating the first three layers from the upper or outer layers, it is the bridge between the physical and the spiritual world.

Your connection to the physical world is through the first three layers and the remaining layers are your connection to the spiritual word.Psychics who can view this layer say that it is a brightly colored rainbow.

The Fifth Layer the Etheric Template LayerThe fifth layer the etheric template layer extends out about one to two feet away from the body.

The purpose of this layer is to keep the first layer the etheric layer in place and also within this you will find a copy or template of the physical body on a much higher spiritual level.

Psychics who can see this layer say that it is a dark blue or a cobalt blue.

The Sixth Layer the Celestial Layer

We are now at the sixth layer of the aura which is known as the celestial layer and extends to about two to three feet away from the physical body. This layer will reflect the subconscious mindit is the layer where we can experience love and spiritual ecstasy.

Psychics who can sense this layer see it as a bright shimmering light, which is composed mainly of pastel colors..

The Seventh Layer the Ketheric Layer

The seventh layer of the aura is known as the ketheric layer and it extends out three to five feet away from the body but this is only a guideline as it can expand as your spiritual awareness increases.

Individuals who are very spiritually developed it is said that they can become one with the source or to put it another way enlightened

Psychics who can see this layer say that it is an extremely bright golden light that is rapidly pulsating with tiny golden silver threads throughout the layers.

Trevor Shaw is a developer of mind sessions including things like meditation for altered states of consciousness that help people to experience the various levels of the conscious mind meditation

and has helped people everywhere in the world achieve their dreams.

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Author's Bio: 

Trevor Shaw is a full time webmaster developing mind altering sessions for altered states of consciousness, and helping people all over the world realise their potential