A massage parloris a business establishment where massage services are offered for a specific fee. In the early 19th century, however, the phrase began to be used in English as a euphemism for an illegal brothel. When prostitution was legal in countries such as the United States and Canada, massage parlors were not legally required to operate. The brothels continued to operate throughout those countries even after they were abolished as brothels.

A good massage (마사지) parlor will offer its clients full body massage therapy including shiatsu, acupressure, reflexology, Thai massage, and Swedish massage. A good parlor will also offer facial massages and aromatherapy. In other words, a good massage parlor will do all types of massage therapy.

Whether it is men's or women's massages that are being offered, each should be accompanied by proper procedures as specified by the therapist to prevent any unwanted injuries and also to prevent further injury if the massage is done improperly.

Most parlors will require their clients to undress and put on a robe before they are allowed to enter the establishment. The client will also be asked to remove their shoes. Many parlors will also require their clients to smile in a happy, sincere way for the photography-taking process.

This is because smiling makes the face look healthier and more relaxed. Good parlors will ask their clients to sit on a chair or on a table to avoid slipping when they give the massage. The client may also be required to put a hand behind the back of the chair to support their back.

The massage therapist will also ask his or her client to close their eyes during the massage. This is because it is much easier for the therapist to locate any tender areas in the body without having to see the face. The massage therapist will start the session by using light soothing strokes on the scalp. He or she will continue to apply pressure to different points until the client has taken his or her clothes off. Afterward, the therapist will ask the client to lie down on the massage table or a couch so that he or she can recline back comfortably.

Another procedure that the massage therapist may use is a shiatsu massage. Shiatsu is derived from the Japanese term for finger pressure and refers to a type of massage therapy that originated in China. In shiatsu, the massage therapist will place their fingers on various parts of the client's body and rub the pressure they feel into these areas. Some therapists use their thumbs to help stimulate certain points.

The massage therapist may also use a heating pad on the back of the client to increase circulation. This increased blood flow will help alleviate muscle pain, which will allow the client to feel more comfortable during the massage. If the massage therapist does not offer any type of music, the client should request one to help drown out the sounds of the massage. The use of a radio or CD player is also acceptable so that the client can choose the tempo of the massage to his or her liking.

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The massage therapist will start the session by using light soothing strokes on the scalp. He or she will continue to apply pressure to different points until the client has taken his or her clothes off. Afterward, the therapist will ask the client to lie down on the massage table or a couch so that he or she can recline back comfortably.