There are many marketing strategies to there, but not all of them are affordable enough for a small-scale business with limited budget. Not having an adequate fund for marketing should not prevent you from getting the word out about your business. You only need to look for budget-friendly methods that can also help advertise your business without putting a hole in your pocket. Most times, it is not about how expensive your strategy is, but how effective you manage the marketing strategy. Check below for series of budget-friendly marketing strategies for your online or offline business
Great content can help
“Content is king” when it comes to online marketing. Great content about the goods and services you are advertising can make a lot of difference in your online and offline businesses. A great content posted on your website or linked back to your website can increase the rating of that website on popular search engines, especially if you also carry out a proper search engine optimization of such content.
The content can push your website to the front page and even the first few positions on the popular search engines, which will increase the number of visitors to your website and give you free traffic. You do not need to be an expert in content creation; you can always hire a ghostwriter to get the job done on your behalf.
When writing good content, include an attractive heading and subheadings. Also, arrange your ideas in bullet points and do not include too many keywords. Make it adequately informative, and the popular search engines will reward you for your effort by pushing your website to the front of the popular search engines.
The contents can be placed on your website, but you can also place them on exhibition posters boards. Bear in mind that the digital signage is not only for showing your products and promos; it can also display the various contents of your blog.
Create a video
An instructional video about the goods and services you are selling on your website or at your brick and mortar outlet can equally go a long way in driving traffic to your website or physical store. It may cost you some money to hire a professional YouTube video producer, but do you really need a professional to get things done for you? These days, virtually anyone can record a YouTube video. You do not need to add all the bells and whistles; simply make it informative, and you are good to go. Don’t it yourself will cost you little or nothing.
You can even play the said video on display boards UK. You can equally hire a video student in places like craigslist to get the video done at a very cheap rate. Does making a video sound too challenging? You can opt for a slide deck instead. The slide decks can then be shared on SlideShare to increase patronage for your business. Do not forget that you can also share the slide decks on your digital signage.
This is yet another affordable marketing tool. In fact, you will rarely spend a dime to use this marketing tool. Reddit is a bare-bones social network and also called the “front page of the internet.” It is a powerful tool to say the fact and can yield a multitude of traffic for your business if you use it well and strategically.
You will find a tech-savvy audience at Reddit and can have endless fun promoting your business here. Reddit may be free to use, but it has certain rules that you must obey if you want to use this platform successfully and get the desired result. For one, you should avoid being too pushy or sales-y when advertising here. Your posts will only be published if it meets up the laid down criteria.
The content to be shared on Reddit should be awesome contents only. It is also advisable to only post to extreme niches. You should also consider the subcategories or subreddits in the subject matter when making that post. Look for a subreddit for SEO, and this can push your website faster than your imagination.
Social network always helpful
Social network, if used accordingly, can prove to be a lifesaver for your online and offline businesses. In fact, it may generate 100% free traffic for you. You should start your social media foray by creating a business account on each of the popular social media platforms, like Pinterest, Google +, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Is your business image-oriented? Then you should consider adding Instagram to the list of social media where to be active.
You will never get it wrong with any of the tips provided above. They can help you in marketing your business at little or no cost. What is more, they can work perfectly for both online and offline businesses you can equally get the word out via exhibition poster boards. They may cost you an initial investment but will pay for themselves over time.
Cynthia Madison is a young blogger and economics and marketing graduate. She writes about home, lifestyle and family topics and is a frequent contributor to popular niche publications.
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