Many methods are available to you for your personal and spiritual growth. Between a plethora of angels in spirit and on the earth plane, plus numerous opportunities for you to grow and thrive, all you need to do is embrace some of them. Trust you inner voice; the child within. It speaks in loud volumes to let you know what direction is best; what people will help you when you are in need. It intuitively tells you who to trust or who you may want to avoid.

Basically, we are telling you that your soul is the best teacher that you have in this physical incarnation. Since it directly links to the God energies, it has built-in knowledge and awareness of what path you should seek. While we understand that all people have the privilege of invoking their free will, it would benefit you to abide by the stronger voice that comes from within. Even before your arrival in the physical lands, your soul has been prepping for this segment of time that it will be learning and growing. It is only when you begin to doubt the subtleties of informative thoughts that are given to you that you may find yourselves struggling. If you honor the LG factor--Let Go, Let God, Life's Good--then you will begin to see your life unfold in more peaceful and loving ways.

Today, this message is meant only to get each of you to simplify your thinking. Often, the more you analyze the more you agonize. Be at peace with your Inner Child. Be at peace with the fact that others are learning their lessons and that it may conflict with your designed path. Be at peace with the fact that you are loved and cherished by the Kingdom. Your own loved ones who have risen back to the side of angels are still with you. They are assisting you to continue to journey forward in a way that emanates happiness and a sense of joyful acceptance. Never are they far from you. Speak to them, as well as to anyone on the other side who brings you a sense of comfort. Then sit back and absorb the love as it flows back to you. Denying it will only create more delays on your inevitable trek to receive the worship and gifts that God drenches you with. May you truly understand these thoughts, as they are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Author's Bio: 

Jim is a renowned medium and psychic, but considers himself a teacher of spirituality. Although he has been doing most of his work on a more personal basis, Jim's new direction is to try to include more people to understand the simple, yet perfect connection they can have with their loved ones on the other side.

The ability to communicate with Spirits was not something he searched for. In July of 1993, while enduring a very difficult time in his life, Jim was suddenly blessed with being able to speak, see and hear numerous people and higher level souls in the other realm. He openly and actively shares the information he gets with anyone who desires to improve their life.

Jim Fargiano can be reached on Facebook and Twitter, but most easily through his website at: He is a widely recognized leader in spirituality and posts messages he receives from the other side almost everyday. Short quotes will be on the fan page for The Spoken Words of Spirit on Facebook, as well as on his home page. Longer messages can be read at If you are serious about improving your outlook on life, then take advantage of the opportunities Jim provides.