You don't have to be a spiritualist or a 'new ager' to know how the Laws of the Universe works. The one law that I speak of is the Law of Attraction and basically this rule of this one states is, THAT WHICH YOU FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON, IS THE VERY THING THAT YOU WILL ATTRACT.
Negative thoughts bring about negative things in your life, negativity brings more of the same. The same holds true for postive thoughts. The more you focus on positive things, the MORE positive things you will attract in your life.
Think of how this can affect you in your personal life....You may stumble out of bed, you're still exhausted and instantly you wish you didn't have to get up. Immediately the negative thought is replaced by anger when you accidentally stub your toe on the frame of the bed. You go to brush your teeth and the cap comes flying off. You're in a hurry to get to work so this just makes matters worse, then after getting dressed, you jump in your car and find out you don't have gas in it. By now you are fuming inside as you realize you don't have much money to fill the tank and you say to yourself, "I'm going to be late for work" and guess what? are because you manifested it by saying it!....Well, by the time you get to work, your day is pretty much shot to hell and at the end of the day, you wish you could've started over.
The scenarios you experience may be different, but the end result from negative or positive thinking will always remain the same. There is one thing then to consider how to make it work.
No matter what you want or don't want to manifest in your life,the Universe is always saying YES to you but the trick is HOW TO ASK.
Ask to manifest whatever it is that you want in a positve tone and as if you ALREADY have it. Don't be timid and remove ALL DOUBTS that you may not get what it is that you want.
Have you ever noticed negative people? They are SO miserable as they tell you every chance they get about all the bad things that happen to them.
You see, since God is a part of us, we are also co-creators with him. We can have whatever we want to have manifested in our life, if it's to be and if we change our negative thinking into postive thoughts.
Here's an example of what happened when I experienced these laws. I wanted to lose some weight last year, so I thought a good motivator was for me to put on my dekstop wallpaper, pictures of 500lb women in bikinis. I would see it everyday when I'd go to my computer and think how I DON'T ever want to get that way! I did this for two weeks but couldn't figure out WHY I wasn't losing the weight. I even excercised during this time and eating healthier. I started to read about the Laws of Attraction and found out the very reason why I wasn't losing the weight was because I was FOCUSING ON THE NEGATIVE and what I DIDN'T WANT!
So immediately, I deleted the pics and started over. THIS time, I chose beautiful models with healthy bodies, I even photoshopped my head over the bodies. I chose my words carefully and added it to the picture, "I am thin and healthy".....I looked at that picture everyday, thinking to myself, "THIS is how I want to look"....Within TWO WEEKS, I lost 10 lbs. and within a month more I lost a total of 30lbs!
This was incredible to me because, I can read all the books I want about the Laws of Attraction but for me it was just 'lip service'. It was only until I actually experimented with it and put it into practice was when it made a believer out of me .
Since that time, I've put it into practice every chance I get and I encourage you to do the same. It so very VERY simple!
Find a chance EVERY DAY to meditate for ten minutes. Usually keeping the same time works best. While meditating, think of a special moment in your life, it can be anything that made you feel whole, perfect and complete. It could be your first love, a new job, your wedding day, your first baby, anything that you know will produce that good cozy feeling. Focus your attention to that thought, then focus on another special moment in your life. Just doing this every day for ten minutes for two weeks, you will start to notice positive changes in your life. You will easily find those perfect parking spots, you may receive money that you didn't know you had coming to you!, those around you will seem in a better mood. Notice even the sublest of changes and thank God for them. When you do this you will be starting to roll the proverbial snow ball down the hill. Good things will just keep happening.
Now, I'm not saying that bad things WON'T ever happen to you because they will, that's just part of life, BUT, YOU WILL find that you are able to handle these traumatic times, with grace and strength. Things won't bother you as much BECAUSE you are in a better 'positive' place. I used to have such road rage, but since I keep positive, I instantly let the negative emotion go by turning it into a postive thought such as, "The guy in front of me is driving so slow....maybe he is saving me by preventing an accident that may have happened to me had he not been in front of me."
If you would like to read more about the Laws of the Universe, including the Law of Attraction, I highly recommend these books: "Spiritual Liberation, Fufilling Your Soul's Potential" by Michael Bernard Beckwith
" The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne (movie and a book) is an awesome documentary about this very subject.
Laurie Weber
I am a Reiki master/teacher and student of massotherapy. I love to teach and motivate others in developing their own spiritual growth by using the pricipals of the Laws Of Attraction and self affirmations, just as they have helped me.
I am the owner of Inner Child Beaming Reiki & Massotherapy, providing outcall services to the Akron Ohio and surrounding cities.
For more information, please visit
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