CSR reporting also referred to as sustainability reporting is an essential part of the business industry. Initially, CSR reports either focused exclusively on philanthropy or environmental issues. These reports were mainly driven by the objective of reducing potential risks and building strong investor relations. But with time these reports have taken the form of strategic documents, offering an objective and balanced evaluation of a company’s performance in the non-financial sector such as employee relations, progress on last year commitments, involvement in community welfare and customer information.

Corporate social responsibility reports have gained tremendous popularity in recent times as business organizations have started realizing the multiple business benefits these reports can offer. Sustainability reports may have shown a steady progress but this practice has done wonders for organizations who have managed to tap its clear benefits. With the help of CSR reporting, business organizations committed to social and environmental causes have been able to display their social responsibility efforts and CSR events to their stakeholders with utmost transparency. This has also helped them build trust and receive valuable feedback on their performance.

Critics of CSR reporting argue that these reports don’t necessarily present a fair picture of activities undertaken by a company. They feel that these reports can be misused as a marketing tool by incorporating information which may not be true. Even though one can’t deny the risks involved, sustainability reports can be more than just window dressing. With consumers becoming more aware, CSR reports have become an expectation from businesses. If prepared in a fair manner, these reports can act as an information bank for a diverse audience. Stakeholders can go through them and obtain information on how their investment is being used by the company. However, it is the responsibility of the company to determine what needs to be incorporated and what issues need to be excluded. Business organizations all over the world need to consider corporate social responsibility as a method to discover ways of meeting the expectations of their stakeholders in a sustainable manner.

Author's Bio: 

Kevin Long is the founder of Global Deaf Connection and the co-founder of Justmeans, a social utility site that helps companies to attract and ignite advocates of better business. Kevin has done significant business development work for both for-profit and non-profit organizations that support good work.