Did you ever think that you can make a good website design that showcases your talent? The criterion for a good web site depends on how excellent you are as a graphic designer. Aside from that, there are still many factors that you need to follow to ensure that your website has a wider reach as much as possible. Your website should also be conscious on the fact that there are numerous browsers that most people may use to access your website, so it is important to be compatible with all of those.

There are basic web site design principles and guidelines you can take into consideration to make sure that 95% of people that will surf the net can access your website. First, you should create lighter design and minimal use of JavaScript or Flash because these can affect the functionality of your website. It is better to include important text than irrelevant image file or flash animation. However, if it’s not possible, then that is the time you need to consider some image replacement techniques.

In designing a website, don’t use colors that will cause eyestrain because no matter how awesome your design looks, if the color combinations can cause strain, people will stop coming and visiting your site. So if you want people to come to your website repeatedly and do business with you, then you must make your website as pleasant as possible. Always make sure that the background is always lighter than the text so it will create an eye-friendly effect on the viewers.

Ohio website design companies considered that the navigation system is easily accessible to navigate and explore. If you have multiple pages on your website, it’s better to create a navigation bar made up of text than images because using photos can load your site slowly.

Design your website with unique software that can make your content and navigation bar appear in linear fashion. Ohio website design companies have pleasant layouts that appear texturally and graphically; it may also help you arrange your main content before the navigation link.

Following these basic web design principles would result to a good website design. This can be a great way for you to design your ideas without the expense of hiring a professional. Remember that the main purpose of your site is creating a good user experience for your visitors similar to what Ohio website design companies can provide.

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