Is the present state of the world overwhelming you? Does the uncertain economic future seem frightening?
Lately, the world often seems to be falling apart in front of our eyes. Our economic situation hasn't really been dealt with. It seems that we are addressing the symptoms instead of the issue.
As soon as some countries are able to overthrow their brutal oppressors, others appear and fill the void. Unstable countries continue to threaten other nations with nuclear weapons, and the negativity goes go on and on.
Yes, there are good things happening, but at times it seems that the negative always outweighs the positive.
It is easy to feel feel overwhelmed by current events, and to feel depressed in today's world.
So how do we keep ourselves from throwing in the towel and just giving up? How do we not give in to the chaos that surrounds us? How do we not let ourselves become numbed by all that is happening? How do we avoid tuning out because we feel we can't make a difference...because we feel there is nothing we can do about it?
There are ways to empower ourselves. There are things we can do to make a difference. But before I speak of these very things, I'd like to speak about why we choose a noble path. Why we choose to not do things the same way as everyone else.
When we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed and fall prey to the drama of the news and others, what message are we sending to our loved ones, our children, our partners? Are we sending a message of powerlessness? What energy are we putting out? Do we really want to drop the ball when it has been handed to us?
So what can we do?
Do we march on Washington, on Wall Street, etc.? Do we boycott products from certain companies or countries? This is an election year, so if we all vote for the right person, that will change everything for the better, right?
Some of these things will have a positive impact, others will not.
Since we all have different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, economic statuses, etc., it will be impossible for all of us to agree on what measures are needed to help improve the social and economic challenges we face.
But we can all come to a very similar place on the Spiritual platform.
First, we must remember that there is only One, and that One is God. You may have another name for God, e.g., The Divine Mother, Higher Power, Universe, or masculine names such as Allah, Christ, Krishna or Yahweh.
I was once told: Work as if everything depends on you. Pray as if everything depends on God.
So we need to do those things that, as individuals, we need to do. If voting for a certain politician is your individual way, then do so. (But remember that others also have their individuality and it is right for them to vote their way.) If boycotting a product, company or nation is what you feel is right, that's your prerogative. If marching on Washington is for you, go for it.
However, there is one caveat. Everything we do must be done with integrity, nobility and passion, without condemning others for doing what they feel is true for themselves. We need to come from our place of peace, our hearts and not be overwhelmed by what is going on around us.
“One sincere person in meditation and prayer does more for the world than all the world leaders, humanitarians and politicians combined.” ~Paramahansa Yogananda
The saints speak the truth.
When we are able to take the time to meditate on God (or names of God), the words of the saints, and go within to that place just behind the heart, we will find the peacefulness we are looking for and that will only increase as we meditate more regularly. The more we meditate and go to that place behind our heart (the heart chakra area), that peacefulness will become more a part of our everyday life and for longer periods of our everyday life.
Remember that meditation is something everyone can do. A teacher once told me, “If you can think, you can meditate.”
Meditation is not about having a blank head or no thoughts. Remember the mind is supposed to think; that is what it does. In meditation, we give our mind something to focus on. Just as water takes the form of the object you pour it into, you, too, will take on the energy of that upon which you focus.
So in meditation, you may think about God in Her forms, masculine forms such as Her names, or maybe a mantra, or a picture of something that reminds you of That Essence of God. Attune yourself to that. When your mind drifts away, which it will (remember the mind is only doing what it is supposed to do, i.e., think), gently bring your focus back to God, in that form you began with.
Another story a teacher told me about meditation is “Trying to stop your mind from having thoughts is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. Two things happen. One, you get dirty, the other is that the pig likes it!”
So the more you attune yourself to God, the more you will be able to be in this world, but not but overwhelmed by it.
If you don’t keep your car properly maintained, it starts to fall apart. It’s just a natural process. With relationships, you have to continue to be present and, yes, give of yourself, if you want to have a happy relationship.
The same goes for maintaining your state of Awakening and Divine Experience. In order to continue to receive Grace, there is Spiritual Maintenance that needs to be conducted on a daily basis.
There is an old saying posted on the walls in the meeting rooms of 12-Step Programs: Hit them with a prayer instead of a chair.
Just because someone has different beliefs in politics, the environment, the social agenda, etc., doesn’t mean they are not as true to their own beliefs as you are to yours.
If someone has offended you in some way, to strike back will only cause more pain for everyone. One of the parties has to come to their heart (and away from their emotions) and either do nothing and walk away, or say something from the heart, instead of from the hip.
Whether or not you are able to say something from the heart, praying for the perceived offender will help everyone concerned.
Early on in my recovery, I was told that if I had a resentment against someone and I prayed earnestly for them to find the very peace that I am looking for in my own life every night for 30 days, it was guaranteed that my resentment would fall away. It always worked.
Prayer is so powerful. But foxhole prayers are not as powerful as prayers that come from your heart. Prayers that are sincerely meant…prayers to help us understand that which can’t be understood…prayers for others…and prayers without any gain for ourselves are all especially powerful.
I’m sure most of us have said prayers in groups for certain individuals or for world peace. I have organized several prayer groups for certain individuals at a said time and have had wonderful results.
I hope you will be able to incorporate prayer and even prayer groups as effective tools in your everyday life.
Changing Your Perspective
This is a challenge. It’s very hard to see things differently when we are offended or in pain, but it can be done. It is certainly easier to change your perspective if you have been praying and meditating.
When you experience another person acting out or saying something offensive, try to remember that they may be acting that way because they are in pain, whether they realize it or not. Of course that doesn’t mean you become a doormat. Not saying something will only enable them in continuing that type of behavior. If you can say your piece without challenging them or escalating the situation, that could help them, but you have to use your gut instinct about the situation at hand. It will do no one any good to argue with an arrogant person or someone who is not in their right mind. I think you get the picture.
Sometimes, seeing things differently is simply not reacting right away. A saying to remember is “How important is it?” Do you have to react to everything that happens around you? Right now? Can you stop and try to see the other persons point, or remember that they too are individuals and have their own way of thinking and dealing with situations?
So one of the ways we can change our perspective is by not reacting right away, if you don’t have to. Another way is remembering that maybe that person is in pain and is unable to help him/herself at that moment.
And yet another way is to try and see something good in that person who might be offending you. Try to remember that they, too, have Spirit within.
A good way to start practicing this might be in nature or even at work. If in nature, try to see something new; try to see the beauty about you differently. When you look at a gigantic tree, try to see all that it took for that tree to reach that size, or maybe it’s a waterfall; can you imagine all the little streams and creeks, the melting of snow and all it took to make that powerful water gush down that fall? At work, try to find something that you are grateful for and might not have really considered before. It could be something as simple as a water fountain/cooler.
I encourage you to regularly practice this maintenance regimen of Prayer, Meditation and Changing Your Perspective, in order to attain and maintain Spiritual Balance in an unsteady world.
To say that Michael Hoare has had a difficult life is a colossal understatement. Before he was old enough to vote or drive or drink or even shave, Michael experienced enough trauma in his young life to fuel a lifetime of therapy.
Michael Hoare, D.D., is an author, minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner. His life has been filled with challenges. He was born with a hole in his heart, experienced high levels of trauma during childhood, turned to alcohol and drugs for comfort, and ended up homeless in the New York City subway. In addition, Hoare has lost an unusually large number of loved ones to death: both parents by the time he was 16; his best friend 2 years later; his younger brother the following year; and his fiancée died two weeks before their wedding date. Eleven months after his fiancée died, he learned that his daughter was battling cancer. Thankfully, she survived.
Despite it all, and maybe because of it, Hoare can talk about his troubled past and how he came through it, thanks to a spiritual recovery program called Ah-Man.
Michael has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others attain their own healing. He is the author of “Returning to WHOLENESS… Discovering Ah-Man,” a book that chronicles his journey to spiritual recovery and redemption.
Although his journey was full of stops and starts, he has maintained his sobriety for over 25 years, and he has dedicated the past 20 years to helping others free themselves from their repetitive cycles of self-destruction and teaching them how to use the foundational elements of Trust, Forgiveness and Acceptance, through the Ah-Man spiritual recovery program.
Central to the Ah-Man experience is being able to forgive oneself and to forgive others for past misgivings. The experiences that Hoare, a recovering alcoholic, describes in his book are due in large part to the impulses of what Hoare terms “primordial man.” While Hoare admits that primordial man is not a bad guy, his actions are the result of instinct rather than the heart. Primordial feelings, he explains, include anger, fear, resentment, control, lust, jealousy, and suspicion.
To connect to Ah-Man, Hoare, a New York City native, had to change his habits and beliefs and ultimately surrender to them. That, he explains, is not an easy task. Why? Because both men and women, he says, are conditioned to conform to society’s expectations. For men, that may mean feeling the need to have the highest-paying jobs, purchase the largest homes, and maintain the lifestyles to match. For women, it could mean being just like men, and looking and acting a certain way, e.g., thin or sexy. But with trust, forgiveness and acceptance of ourselves, God and others, Hoare believes men and women can find a spiritual way of handling everyday life situations without getting sucked into them.
Through a series of retreats and one-on-one counseling sessions, Hoare teaches men and women to embrace the Ah-Man within them by creating a loving relationship with oneself, God and others; openness with other people; a sense of integrity; and the ability to communicate; all by incorporating trust, forgiveness and acceptance, thus allowing them to be reach spiritual recovery and wholeness.
Additional information about Michael Hoare can be found at
To schedule an interview or appearance with Michael, contact Kathy Watkins via email at or via phone at 773-224-6999.
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