The combined effects of massive weight loss, pregnancy, and aging - all contribute to sagging skin and fat, mainly in the lower body areas. Many individuals, who are faced with this situation, often wish to trim their body for a new and refreshed look. You can greatly improve your overall body image by undergoing a lower body lift.

Lower Body Lift to Solve the Problems of Excess Skin and Fat

Lower body lift, also referred to as belt lipectomy, is a surgical procedure, which can bring an immediate improvement in the lower body parts by removing excess, loose or hanging skin along with the underlying fat. A complete lower body lift procedure treats areas such as abdomen, hips, thighs, waist and buttocks. Body lift combined with liposuction may be necessary to get improved results.

Change Your Entire Outlook on Life

Among the different techniques available, a most effective and safe procedure that has proved very popular is the BodyTite radio frequency-assisted liposuction procedure. This new and advanced body contouring system, awaiting FDA approval, can reduce saggy skin, remove excess fat, and stiffen the underlying muscles, with minimal downtime. Lower body lift using BodyTite technique offers many benefits to the patient with regard to safety and comfort. To perform the procedure, there is no need of general anesthesia, and you can resume your normal activities within a few days after the treatment.

The initial results are visible almost immediately. Before you commit to lower body lift procedure, you should consider all the options and be well informed about the benefits, risk factors, recovery process, duration, and more.

Author's Bio: 

Lower body lift - bodySCULPT™ is an all-inclusive plastic surgery practice in Manhattan, New York City (NYC), specializing in providing a whole range of plastic surgery procedures which include eyelid lifts, rhinoplasty, facelift, brow lift, liposuction, SmartLipo, and many more.