Some people think that it is necessary to exercise to lower your weight. Of course, working out is always healthy and it will improve your weight loss results. But at the same time, you do not need to workout in order to lessen your weight.

You can certainly avoid exercising and still attain a lean body. This very day, I am going to advise you how you can lower your weight fast and with no exercise only by carefully picking out your foods.

I strongly advise you to look at this excellent manual, you will learn How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

1. Organic And Free Range Food Will Keep You Lean

To keep a healthy and balanced diet, its recommended to have a good source of protein such as those from animal source. However, do make your best to get them free range and organic.

Unluckily, in order to grow farm animals fatter and quicker, modern farmers feed them chemically altered food made with soy and corn. This modification to their food has a high influence in their health. Apart from affecting their digestion, it also makes them sick. So, they end up getting antibiotics daily. Resulting in very unhealthy meat for us to eat!

Processed corn and soy products are indeed unhealthy for both the animals and us. And just as the farm animals do, we can also get fat and sick. So you can obtain all the nutritional and fat burning benefits of animal products, make an effort to consume them free range and organic.

2. Processed Food Is Keeping You From Losing Weight

You might be eating processed foods on a regular basis. Some examples of processed food are: Sauces, dips, cookies, canned and ready made food.

And just as it happens with the farm animals, our body can not digest these processed ingredients. As famous nutritionist Isabel de los Rios states in her book, our body will not digest most processed ingredients. Someday, we may evolve to digest high quantities of processed food, still today, our liver can´t do it. So you should know that most of it will make you fat.
In point of fact, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and grains are natural food options that help you lose weight fast. Make your best to stick to one ingredient food choices.

Do not forget that here you have a great book you surely want to look at on How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

3.You Can Lose Weight If You Stop Skipping Meals

Skipping meals is a bad habit. And just as rapid weight loss diets, it only works for a short period of time before hitting a Diet Plateau and bounce back to your original weight. This happens because you are stressing your body to a point where it produces fat burning hormones. Moreover, skipping breakfast or substituting it with a coffee or a smoke, will only make you hungrier later.

As a matter of fact, you should be eating 4 times everyday. If 4 meals looks like too much work for you, then try to have healthy and easy snacks in-between meals, such as veggies with hummus, nuts or a fruit salad. Additionally, this action will help you keep away food cravings as you will fill pleased for longer

It is important not to feel forced to do anything you don´t like. It is true that exercise will keep you fit and healthy but it is a myth that you have to exercise to be slim. Specially, you should never let your lack of passion for exercise come between your efforts to lose weight

Click on this link to check out this exceptional technique and know more about weight loss solutions at: The Diet Solution Program

Author's Bio: 

M.D. Mia Moore: Graduated as General Practitioner in 1983, since then she has specialized in nutrition and eating disorders with a special focus of expertise in both Pregnancy and Geriatric Nutrition.