To lose fat and gain muscles is treated as something contradictory by many people, some say that it is like trying to sit and stand at the same time but it is not so. Most important part of losing fat and gaining muscles at the same time lies in the fact that how well a person understands his body and its need. If one understands his body well than by balancing the calorie intake with amount of calories getting burn everyday through muscle building exercises one can achieve fat loss with muscle gain.

In order to gain muscles one need to choose exercises which promote strength, endurance and enlargement of muscles and burn calories present in the blood and also stored in the body to produce energy which is referred as fat loss. But when muscles start growing they need extra energy to maintain strength and their growth, to refurbish the muscles and make up for the energy lost during the exercises and to promote sound muscle growth one needs to increase the calorie intake, this is where the effort to lose fat and gain muscle contradict each other. Most of the people either reduce their calorie intake to an extent where body does not have enough energy and fat to build muscles and promote growth of lean muscle mass or in other cases people increase their calorie intake to an extent where effect of exercises is nullified in terms of over all fat loss, in either case person cannot lose fat or build muscle even after long exercising sessions and rigorous exercises.

To gain muscles and lose fat at the same time one needs to take right kind of calories in the diet which are just sufficiently more than the amount of calories burned during exercises. The extra calorie intake will promote growth of lean muscle mass which will get converted into muscles by exercises and will eventually lead to muscle gain. With right amount of calorie intake and by burning down a large part of calories through exercises one can lose fat and gain muscles at the same time. With increase in muscle mass body burns more calories and stays energetic throughout the day, this also supports the effort to lose fat and gain muscles. Intake of necessary and essential nutrients through balanced and regular diet plays a vital role in achieving fat loss and muscle gain at the same time.

Taking small meals few times in a day rather than two heavy meals also plays important role in losing fat and gaining muscles. Regular and balanced diet helps the system in providing energy when required by the body and prevents fat accumulation, it also helps the body in keeping the digestive system clean which is supportive to lose fat and proper digestion also ensures abundant supply of vital nutrients to the body parts to gain muscles. To lose fat and gain muscles at the same time is not impossible if one can cut out proper balance between calorie intake and calorie burn and neither reduce calorie intake to make body run low on energy nor increases it to an extent where body keeps on accumulating fat instead of promoting lean muscle mass.

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