Would you like to know how to lose belly fat that has added up over time? There are a load of things in anyone’s life that make then want to lose fat and look great ranging from attracting a mate to gaining more self-confidence.

Here are some guidelines on how you can get thinner and fitter:

Lose Pot Belly Tip #1 Your Mom Was Right All Along

Be sure that you don’t slouch.

Most people these days have office jobs which means they don’t get much time to exercise. Your posture can suffer and you can add on the pounds the longer you spend at a desk and do no exercise.

By practicing proper posture and standing up straight will really help fix your posture and reduce the appearance of your pot belly. As your back muscles are probably under-used, this might be hard to do at the start. The appearance of your belly can be significantly reduced if you practice good posture for an extended period of time.

Lose Pot Belly Tip #2 Ab Exercises Won't Get You Very Far

There is a common theory that doing sit-ups and crunches, for example will shed belly fat and make you thinner. Losing body fat from just one area isn’t really something that happens. If you concentrate on losing general body fat then this will then help you lose fat from other areas like the stomach.

The truth of the matter is that doing sit-ups and crunches will make your muscles in that area bigger. Then the problem is that if there is still fat on top of these muscles this will only serve to make the belly look bigger. So, the basic theory is not to do these ab exercises.

If you want your exercises to work your whole body then you should work large muscle groups. The most beneficial exercises for this are strength training exercises or .

Lose Pot Belly Tip #3 Steer Clear from Cardio

This may shock you, but cardio is not the best way to burn fat off. You will be pretty pleased that you no longer have to run on the tiresome treadmills if you're anything like me.

The problem with cardio is that you will only be getting rid of calories while you work out. You'll probably also find that your body just doesn't get the same results from cardio after you've been doing the same routines for awhile.

If you do weight training this will be more beneficial to you. This is better than cardio in that you still lose fat after your stop working out. You have to make sure you rest between training since as your muscles repair and rebuild themselves, they will consume lost of extra calories and burn away fat deposits. This is much more beneficial than cardio if you're trying to lose a pot belly.

Women could be somewhat concerned if they think that weight training might make them too butch. It is, however, extremely unlikely since the vast majority of women don’t have the testosterone levels to do this. It is much more likely they will get the toned and attractive body they desire instead.

Your body will feel great and you will shed some pounds around your stomach if you follow these simple steps. It is important to still be aware that you will need to get rid of fat from your whole body in order to lose it around the middle.

Author's Bio: 

If you enjoyed this article and want to learn more ways to get rid of belly fat, check out: lose pot belly and get rid of lower belly fat.

Natalie Leavenworth used to struggle with fad diets and exercise programs until discovering the secrets of effective weight loss. Now at her target weight, she enjoys helping others achieve their weight loss goals.