Local Seo is one of the best ways to introduce your business to the local customers. Those business having physical location must use local SEO.
{Local search engine optimization} It has the highest conversion levels of all local advertising channels.
82% smartphone shoppers conduct near me searches
Local searches lead 50% of mobile users to visit stores within one day.
78% location based mobile searches result in an offline purchase.
86% people look up the location of a business on google maps.
Here are the 7 Reasons why local Seo should be an integral part of your digital marketing campaign.
Local Seo offers you free source of advertisements and promote your brand to local customers without putting a big dent into your wallet.
Local Seo makes it easier for your customer to find your business. They can easily access your business location, contact information and products.
With search engines showing relevant searches result based on search term and geographical location based local SEO can help you outrank your competitors.
Majority of online local searches resulted in offline purchase. By paying attention to local Seo you can boost your sales.
When a user performs a local search, there is an intent behind that search, which is why you are able to attract a customer who is interested in buying your product.
With LOCAL SEO you can form partnerships with other local businesses and expand your network by including niche influencers that are popular in your industry.
By ensuring your presence on citation and business listings sites, your business can establish itself as a market leader.
Have you started improving your Local SEO?
Create and optimize Google My Business.
Collect Reviews and testimonials
Create Local News & Event based content.
Make sure you have a mobile friendly website.
Include Location based keywords on your website
Use location based About Us Page.
Register on online business directories.
Work with Our SEO AGENCY LONDON to Grow Your Business
If you’re looking for a “local SEO services near me,” you’ve come to the right place. Your customers are searching for your business—let PACELAB-SEO AGENCY LONDON help them find you.
We’ve helped businesses of all sizes, so whether you’re looking for Local SEO services for small business or for an enterprise franchise chain, we’re the marketing Agency for you.

Author's Bio: 

Lokesh Sharma is a Indian Computer Architect and Internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of PaceLab International Group. Lokesh has over 10 years of experience in Technology, building complex platforms and accelerating sales and growth through use of Technology.
Lokesh obtained Masters in Computer Science from Coventry University and MBA from University of Leicester in England. As the CEO of PaceLab, Lokesh vision is to help brands connect with the customers globally driving sales and revenue for the success of the firm.