Whenever we come across a business, the very first thing that one notices is the vision that runs the organization. As an LED Dance Group, we have to give prime importance to the vision, which not only drives the company, but also helps us to produce a well-scripted performance.

Marketing is a tricky business. On one hand, one has to pay undivided attention to the ‘Why’ of the marketing and on the other hand, the ‘What’ that describes the product, the service or the company as a whole – promoting the business inside out.

Regardless of the service you provide, our focus remains on how well we can help your vision to reach the audience. Our marketing team researches about your products and services by taking not only the manufacturer into consideration, but also the end user. It is very important for us to understand the demographics of your products and how the customers react when they come across your brand.

The preparation of the performance begins with being well-acquainted with the company’s vision. Assuming that the services and products comply with the vision, we begin with scripting the act around the brand. Our marketing team, after their deep research, briefs the dancers about what the client wants and how they want it.

The use of costume requires major brainstorming. We believe that the costume used in the performance should match the essence of the company’s logo or the outlook. For instance, the costume we used for VISA, a tech giant was different from a costume used to promote college fests like Sandhaan 2K17 at BIT Dhanbad.

The costume we use consists of leds which are to be programmed according to the story we need to share with the public. More than often, companies want their products to be promoted in a way that not only shows the brand name, but also shows the story behind that particular product or company. Therefore, the choice of costume requires critical brainstorming.

After the designing team is done with building an appropriate costume for the performance, we begin with the script on which the dance performance is going to be staged. The expert choreographers in our LED dance group come up with exceptional dance moves that we can incorporate in our dance performance. It takes a number of rehearsals to completely hone onto the dance moves and make it perfect.

The music which we use in the performance generally requires to be of electronic or EDM genre. The music along with the dance moves gives a robotic touch to the performance.

There is a reason why companies are seeking the help of LED Dance Groups for preparing a promotional campaign. The people want entertainment. And the lowering attention span of the audience makes it hard for companies to promote their business. Therefore, they are using entertainment to grab the attention of the audience and then use the different techniques of product placement to make the whole promotion look natural.

More and more dance groups are coming up and helping the companies with their promotions. The Glowdiators are paving the path for the younger dance groups and providing them a proper platform to showcase their skills.

LED Tron Dance has become a great way to promote products and will surely evolve with time to contribute more in the field of marketing.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, my name is Vishal Kumar and I am a SEO Executive by profession. I also love to write about the Digital Marketing in IT & Technology and Tron and Entertainment in my free time.