There is a lot of variety in the market when it comes to purchasing a TV. A little bit of research is naturally required so you get the best TV that suits your needs. Different types of TVs are suitable for different viewers.We hope this guide will help you purchase the right TV so you can enjoy your viewing experience. This way you can enjoy movies and sports as per your choice. The primary technologies in TVs today are LED/LCD and Plasma.LED and LCD TVs are essentially similar except for the lighting of the back panels. Here we will compare the LED and plasma technology. Knowing the differences, you can make an informed decision about the kind of TV to buy.

Plasma TVs are essentially built for larger displays of 30 inches and above. The contrast ratio in these TVs is a lot better compared to LED TV. But, they also consume more energy. This is the first major difference between the two types. Naturally, if you want lighter and less bulkier models, go in for LED TV. This is because plasma TVs have heavy and bulky frames as compared to their competitors.

Let us now determine the visual difference between plasma and LED TV. Plasma TVs work better in darker or low light conditions. For constant, unchanging light in the viewing area you can go in for LED/LCD technology. LED TVs also work better with computers. LED TVs also have a clearer picture quality as the number of pixels per square inch is higher.Still, if you go to a showroom and compare the two technologies, the differences in picture quality might not be noticeable immediately.

For fast moving images, like in sports and games, Plasma TV offer better quality as there is no blurring. LED TVs often show blurred image as they cannot detect motion fast enough. Avid sports fans should naturally choose superior Plasma TVs.

Let us summarize the advantages of Plasma TVs: Larger display screens, better color and picture depth and better contrast ratios. The disadvantages are higher power consumption, bulkier frames and susceptibility to static burn-ins. On the other hand, here are the advantages of LED TVs: Lighter in weight, longer life span, less heat generation, lower burn-in of static images. On the down side, they are not suitable for fast moving images.

Let us summarize the differences between plasma and LED TV. Sports fans can go in for plasma but bear in mind the high power consumption. This way you get superior depth, contrast and crisper colors. If price is a concern, plasmas are costlier. If you are purchasing a TV for gaming and computer use, response rate makes a lot of difference; plasma technology has no problem in response time and emerges the winner .

Author's Bio: 

Read more info on the difference, choosing the right for you, and the top suggestions for every type on Flat Screen TV Reviews. For Plasma, you can't get a good one less than 42 inch. Here is my personal recommendation: Panasonic TC-P42S30 review.