The day you move into a rental property, you are so excited by your new surroundings that it’s often easy to take for granted the fact that it has been left spotlessly clean by the previous tenant. Fast forward a few years, to the end of your tenancy and you are often confronted with a less than pristine picture.

The thought “I’m pretty sure that was like that when I moved in”, can conveniently come to mind. It is for this very reason that condition reports were developed and if yours states that your property was clean when you arrived, then that is exactly how it has to be when you move out, in order to get your security bond returned.

So what are some tips and tricks for leaving your rental property in the condition you found it?

Professional Perfection

The fastest and easiest way to be assured of getting your bond back, is of course, getting in the professionals. I always use the WHIZZards at, as they specialise in end of lease cleaning and they have a specially designed app which streamlines the whole booking process for me.

Getting in professional cleaners also guarantees that both my agent and I end up satisfied with the results. Trying to handle it all on my own, especially if work is busy, can mean that I end up going back and forth to the property, trying to get everything up to standard.

Naturally clean oven

Your oven gets a sub-heading all it’s own due to the fact that they can be notoriously difficult to clean. The best cure is of course prevention. A simple, cheap and natural way to clean your over frequently and thus avoid greasy build-up, is by using a baking soda and vinegar oven cleaner.

  • Make a paste using water and baking soda
  • Apply it to your oven
  • Leave overnight
  • Wipe it clean in the morning
  • Using vinegar in a spray bottle, spray the oven thoroughly
  • Wipe clean
  • Clean oven racks separately

Carpet steam cleaning

Steam cleaning the carpets prior to handing back the keys is now mandatory.
You will need to get them professionally steam cleaned and possibly also the curtains (check with your real estate agent). Don’t forget to get a receipt for the service, which has the cleaning company’s name, ABN, details of what was cleaned and the charge.

Hand over any cleaning receipts to your agent when you hand back your keys.

Window treatments

Apart from curtaining, you may also be responsible for cleaning shutters, venetian blinds or netting.

The trickiest of all window treatments to clean, are of course the dreaded venetian blinds. The best method for giving them a thorough wash is to:

  • Gently remove them
  • Lay them flat on a clean surface
  • With a soft broom and some soapy water, gently clean off dust, grease and grime
  • Wipe over carefully to dry them
  • Rehang

Wipe any shutters or wooden blinds down with a mild soap and water.
Wash any net curtains gently by hand. Never put them in the washing machine or dryer, unless you want to see them torn to shreds!

Condition report

A condition report can be your best ally or your worst enemy.
If you were thorough, noting down any flaws or damage when you moved in and backing up your claims with photos; your agent will have no recourse if a complaint is made by the owner.

Your condition report is like your insurance.
When moving into a new property, mark down every spot, scratch, smudge and dent. If possible, photograph everything and include these when you lodge your report.

Vacating a property painlessly relies on two things - having a clear, indisputable record of the original condition of the property when you moved in and making sure you bring it back up to that condition when you leave. Since prevention is better than cure, maintaining your home during your tenancy can make moving day a breeze and give you a glowing reference for future applications.

Author's Bio: 

Caitlyn Bell is an Arts student whose experiences in life make her really tougher than anyone else. She can lend you expert tips on diverse topics ranging from relationship to fashion, making money, health and so on. Her write-ups are a window into her thoughts and knowledge.