Learning how to love yourself will be one of the best more exhilarating things you could ever do for yourself and your loved ones. But before you focus on your loved one, which is what most women do first, I want you to focus on yourself first.

And it's never too late to start. Never!

I don't care how old you are, what you've done in the past, where you've been, how many kids you have, why you've chosen how to spend your time, none of it. What I care about is how you treat yourself.

Treating yourself with love, kindness, respect, courteous, appreciation, acceptance, compassion and esteem will be more beneficial to you than any other one thing that I can think of right now.

Learning how to love yourself unconditionally will change the way you see life in general. The trees will look more alive, the birds will sing louder, the grass will grow greener, the skies will look bluer. Am I kidding?

No way! Love is a deep and powerful feeling. It can remove obstacles and shatter fears. And it's completely possible for you to experience it.

The number one thing that I want you to do is - change the way you talk to yourself. From this day forward, never allow yourself to say things that are not nice or uplifting. If you don't have anything nice to say to yourself, don't say anything at all.

This one simple thought will have shape the direction of your life. You'll feel better, you'll look better, you'll experience better moods and you'll become open to opportunities you never thought possible.

This will affect your loved ones too. They'll notice a change in you almost immediately and they'll begin to follow your lead. You'll never have to put into words how you feel about yourself because they'll know.

They will feel the love radiating from you like a shining light in the dark. Am I being too dramatic about the power of loving yourself? I think not.

But if you'd like to challenge me - learn how to love yourself unconditionally and watch how your life balances out right before your very eyes.

Then let me know what you think about my over-the-top article about self-love.

Author's Bio: 

Michelle Sears is the author of a self esteem building website that is packed full of information. Her site was created to help people just like you create a deep loving relationship with yourself. A relationship that will affect every single area of your life - in a good way. Visit her on her website at http://www.selfesteem-building.com or on her Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/selfesteembuilding