Skin tags can be small growths that can appear just about anywhere on your body, unless they're irritated, they're not a health risk. You'll find many ways to learn how to get rid of skin tags including visiting your doctor and taking care of them yourself. But because most of the time it's a cosmetic procedure your insurance may not cover your doctor's visit.

Of course, before removing them you need to know that they're really tags and not something else. Those that have any type of hair coming out of them, those that may be funny colored, or those that have a weird shape to them should be seen before you try to remove them.

Also, have your care provider look at those that have grown quickly, look more like a mole or have grown in a cluster shape. A true tag is just normal cells that have grown out of your body instead of flat like normal. They also don't normally have nerves running to them, in other words, have no feeling.

Pinch and manipulate the growth, you should just feel a gentle pull on the surrounding tissue. If you feel pain, then don't remove it until it's been checked out.

You'll be able to find several simple methods for removal and some are easier than others. If it's a large one, it probably has a lot of blood supply so your doctor should probably handle those. You can try the methods below, or some of the skin tag removal products you'll find online.

Most of these tiny growths never get any size due to being shaved off in normal bathing routines. They don't have a good blood supply and you probably just thought you cut yourself shaving. This is one method of removal, just use a sharp razor and shave them off. If they're small, you won't even notice it.

Some people just snip them off with a pair of good scissors. This method also works well as long as you're not squeamish about it. If it bothers you, close your eyes and have a friend do it. Just make sure the scissors have been cleaned well, and apply a good triple antibiotic afterward, you'll heal fast and have less chance of infection.

Another method is less visual. You'll use new dental floss in order to stop the blood flow. Tie the floss tightly at the base of the tag, wait a few days and it should fall off on it's own. Just watch for infection, if the area becomes red or swollen, you have a problem.

Your health care provider can remove them as well. They'll use a surgical instrument and a bit of numbing medication. Just remember, getting rid of them is one thing, making sure it's not something else is another. If you're not sure what it is, see your doctor first, then remove them at home using one of the many methods above.

So that you can know a lot more related to get rid of skin tags. Take a look at

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