Literature review is the most important chapter of a dissertation:

Students get the chance of studying the past researches made on the topic and discuss them openly. Basically, you have a research question for which you are looking for relevant information. This type of writing will give you new perspective relating to the topic, and you will be able to provide more qualitative feedback to the research and your own research question. If you have not taken this task before, then it is suggested that you take some writing help because it is very important that the writing be perfect and the content interesting.

The purpose of this chapter is to cover all the possible information regarding the topic:

You start from the origin of the issue and cover all the past discoveries and researches. You have to know the opinion of other writers, research and dig out as many articles as you can and read them so that you can compare different points of views in your writing. You must know what other writers have said about your subject. This will broaden your view and approach to the topic, and give you new ideas.

If you succeed in writing a good literature critical analysis, this will be an attestation of your complete knowledge on the topic and your command on the subject:

Your reader must get the impression that you are taking the responsibility of what you are saying, and that you have covered every issue related to the topic. It is not all about discussing previous researches and stating facts, it is about reviewing old literature in the light of modernism and recent facts. To put it more simply, the perspective and words will be yours and facts will be others.

It is highly recommended that you follow a professor and take regular guidance from him:

As he has complete command over the subject and knows almost everything there is to know, he can guide on the right path and pull you out of any difficulties. This will help you maintain a smooth flow in your writing and will keep you motivation and confidence levels high. In this way, you will be able to prepare a perfect extended essay and come up to the expectations of the committee.

Successful research is when you know how to write a literature review in the light of secondary research and maintain your own thinking in the paper: Your paper must be based on your discoveries and findings, and must reflect your own beliefs and thoughts. Follow your intuitions but not too blindly, you will have to support every statement with fact to make it verifiable and valid. Your paper will be valid only if it is supported by facts and evidences.

Author's Bio: 

Donna Santos is a professional Educational Consultant and helping the students to accomplish their educational projects for many years. She posses a vast experience in her field and is ready to share knowledge and information with this literature review.