Since leadership comes in different styles, so does leadership training. You can find all stripes of leadership training skills courses, right in your own town, as well as all over the Internet. Many focus on what a leader does and not enough personal skills training in how to be effective in your own life. You've likely heard about or encountered the different leadership styles such as:

Authoritarian -- The authoritarian leader tells the "followers" what to do. This leader does not seek advice and most definitely not opinions of those whom he "leads".

Charismatic -- The charismatic leader is very motivational and through their personality creates virtual cheerleaders who will die to see their leader succeed.

Democratic -- The democratic leader is very helpful and encouraging to those who choose to follow. He or she listens to what others say, then weighs all opinions equally and tries to meet everyone in the middle.

Laissez-faire -- The laissez-faire leader not only considers the opinions of those she leads, she lets them do whatever they want as long as they get the job done.

Transformational -- The transformational leader is a delegator and masterful communicator in helping followers see their vision and goals, and eventually convince them to share his or her goals.

There is much debate and discussion about which of these leadership styles works best, and how a person leads their life is often the precursor to which leadership style they may adopt. A person who can’t effectively lead their own life is less likely to be able to lead others well.

So regardless of style, look for leadership skills training courses that will help you truly become effective in your life and, in turn, inspire confidence in those under your charge.

In addition, with all the talk about training our future generations of leaders, we need to teach children very young that they have choices on how to behave and react no matter what else is going on around them. Most importantly, we need to teach children and adults alike their life does not have to be defined by their circumstances.

So next time you are searching for leadership skills training courses, try looking outside the normal boxes and search for the type of training that will empower the unique you and those around you to lead a happy and fulfilled life. You do have the ability to choose what and how you do it. This is the only kind of leadership skills training that is really right for you to choose.

Author's Bio: 

Award winning author, Debra J. Slover's leadership expertise stems from 18 years directing a state youth services program, experience organizing 20 state and national conferences, and running her own consulting firm for over six years. Her website is