Dating is a game. It is a game you wrote the rules for. The trouble is, you forget you wrote the rules. You hid the rules and forgot where you put them.

Of all the games we could play, chess, scrabble, cards, or video games, is it not peculiar that we might design and make a game and then forget the rules. It is even more peculiar that you do not remember that you were the person who made the rules and designed the game. A Law of Attraction Coach can assist you right now to free yourself from old limiting thought patterns that inhibit your happiness.

Continuing with this idea, why would a being do such a seemingly ridiculous thing? Because, this is the tricky area of the mind we name the ego, the self-defeating persona that has come to be called by your name. You are not simply a collection of your previous experiences, your history, job title, connections and opinions. Though much of your conditioning and training would have you believe that. You can create your own Law of Attraction Relationships today to help increase your positive vibration!

To try the intentional dating game, you should know a few things:

1. You are participating in a game.

2. You should choose to keep in mind that it is going to be enjoyable (because you created it as a game for that purpose).

3. There are no winners or losers.

Remember when you were a kid playing in the sandbox, creating sandcastles or mud cakes? Recall when you played tag or hide and seek? You could play for hours and hours. It was simple plain and simple fun. Being innocent. Try to access that innocence just for a minute right now. Empowering yourself with the Law of Attraction is a hugely powerful tool for Relationship Attraction, and is simple to grasp.

Where did it go? Why have so many people lost it? In the previous paragraph notice how quickly it came back - if simply for a moment - but it did return! That is exactly how you manifest a desired outcome. You remember it into existence, you play it into you life, you play it into reality for the sake of fun. And guess what? Your energy changes so fast to that easy and high vibration, that unless you negate it old patterns and limiting beliefs, you change to being very attractive. Your energy is quite actually reaching out to similar energy to interact with it.

The two Biggest Stoppers to Intentional Dating

1. Fear of failiing/being rejected

2. Fear of embarrassment/not enough

Author's Bio: 

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at

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