The function of the ethmoid sinuses is the same as the paranasal sinuses. With the cilia and mucus that are being secreted by the mucosal lining, this can help filter the air that goes through the nasal passages. Since the ethmoid sinuses are directly exposed to incoming air, they are the ones that are most susceptible to various pathogens and other problems. Ethmoid sinus disease is often common to most people with poor hygiene.

Inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses can be due to constant irritation in the mucus lining. Some of the symptoms include inflammation and swelling in the sinus wall thus causing blockage in the nasal cavities. Due to this, the normal draining of the mucus becomes disturbed and this causes mucus buildup within the sinus cavities. If left untreated, this can be a breeding ground for virus, bacteria and fungi.

Ethmoid sinus disease is a common incident that can be triggered by various factors like foreign particles, environmental allergens, trauma, microbial infection, tumors and nasal polyps. This condition is also known as ethmoiditis and is considered as an acute problem with duration of 8 to 10 days. Other notable signs include pain in the lower part of the forehead, headache in the temple area, sore throat, nasal congestion and fever. Ethmoid sinus disease is often accompanied with pain in the corner of the eyes and behind the nose bridge.

Most of the time, ethmoid sinus infection also refers to sinusitis cases. This condition is not very serious and can be easily treated. If the infection is not treated, this may spread into the adjoining areas and infect other sinuses. In severe cases, this may cause an infection in the eye socket which may cause the eyelids to droop and become swollen, along with fever. If such condition occurs, immediate medical attention should be given to prevent meningitis, blindness and any other complications.

Some people are more susceptible to ethmoid sinus disease compared to others. For them, precautionary measures and personal hygiene are crucial and should be taken into consideration to reduce the risk. People with compromised immune systems and those with chronic conditions should opt for annual flu vaccination in order to prevent the occurrence of ethmoid sinusitis. For existing ethmoid sinus disease that cannot be treated with regular medical therapy, surgery might be recommended. Maintaining a well balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the occurrence of sinusitis and other related conditions.

Author's Bio: 

Stephanie is a sinusitis expert and co-creator of the popular new sinusitis info based web-site: Natural Sinus Relief. Including more on ethmoid sinus disease.