Do you now that pre-menopause symptoms like hot flashes can be stopped naturally? If no then you need to look for help with hot flashes because soon you will enter into menopause and then you would require help to prevent these heat waves. A majority of women rush to doctors when they experience heat waves but little do they know that doctors would only recommend hormone replacement therapy. HRT can help control pre-menopause symptoms but it is not good for your overall health. Ideally you should try controlling these pre-menopause with diet, exercise and herbs readily available on health food stores.

Look at your kitchen for help with hot flashes. Your kitchen has many food items that can help you control dreading pre-menopause symptoms. For instance take cucumber. This fruit is rich in Vitamin E that is said to be helpful in reducing the intensity and frequency of heat waves. Cucumber is a common fruit available in every kitchen. Another food item that is said to be helpful in controlling pre-menopause discomfort is brown rice. Almonds and mangoes can also give you relief from heat waves. You can buy soy protein from market and take it twice in a day. Within few days of taking this protein, you would find that you are experiencing mild heat waves.

Intensity of pre-menopause symptoms varies from person to person. There are women, who face mild symptoms, while some women feel very uncomfortable during pre-menopause period. If you one, who faces severe pre-menopause symptoms, then you should consider taking some herbs for help with hot flashes. Chinese herb Dong Quai is said to be very helpful in reducing the intensity of heat waves and providing lasting relief to the pre-menopausal woman. Another herb that can help you control the heat waves is Ginseng. Both the herbs are safe for use as they have no side effects. Another good thing about these herbs is that they are available at local health food stores.

Blessed are those who experience mild pre-menopause symptoms as they require little help with hot flashes. Women who lead stress free life and are happy in whatever they do experience mild pre-menopause symptoms that can be controlled with exercises. Pre-menopause is the time to pamper your body and mind. During this period, you should take leave from work and go on vacation where there is no stress, tension or exertion. Go to a village where you can enjoy a slow pace of life.

Author's Bio: 

Roy Hanenburg is a widely known personality delivering the content on a variety of health related topics. The author specializes in helping people to get the information on the natural remedies for hot flashes.For More Information Please Visit, 
help with hot flashes and natural herbs for hot flashes