Living in a clean and tidy home is what all of us want. It is heavenly to live in a clean house. Cleanliness is next to godliness or so the old saying goes. It is very difficult to maintain a clean home. But ultimately it is the most rewarding thing you can do. Living in a clean home has multiple benefits and the first and foremost of which is good health. A clean home will improve your quality of life considerably.

But as mentioned earlier, it is not very easy to keep our home neat and tidy all the time. Many factors get in the way here. Lack of time and laziness are the biggest culprits when it comes to keeping a clean home . I’m sure that there are many times when we have put off cleaning in favour of going out to eat, a movie or even just to catch up on some sleep.

But keeping your residential apartment spic and span is not that hard though it does require some effort on your part. Here are some ways in which you can keep your abode clean and healthy for yourself and your family.

Find a right storage space

Everything in your houses needs to have a place allotted to it. It makes life easy for everyone in your residential flat if they know where exactly everything goes. Clear demarcation is the key here. And for this to happen you need the right kind of storage. And by storage I mean everything from baskets to multipurpose furniture. If you get the right kind of storage, you can rest assured that your home will be tidy at most times.


Cleaning is not a process that gets done in one go. That’s just not how it works. Cleaning is a continuous process. So it’s better to have a time scheduled for it. It has to be a systematic process. You can break down the tasks into daily, weekly and monthly chores. When you do this and follow the time table systematically, you will see a good change in your house. The smaller chores can be done on a daily basis and the bigger chores can be done weekly or monthly basis depending on the size of the chore.

Keep cleaning supplies handy

This is the best way to counteract your leanings towards being lazy. Ensure that you have cleaning supplies all over the house. This make sure that in case of a spill or some similar event you will have easy access to the supplies. This will simplify the cleaning process.
If you keep these points in mind you can ensure that you have a clean residential villa or an apartment. Remember that our fight against dirt and dust is a constant battle. Never give up and let these two critters win. So take those brooms and vacuums and tackle these beasts!

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I am writing for IndiaProperty is India's No.1 property portal. It is best source for all your property search and queries.