I live in the eastern part of India. It is a small town in the state of Jharkhand. The flora and fauna of the state is great. The mountains of the state and the great forests provide great opportunities for the makers of the herbal medicines.
I would like to share my experience with an Ayurvedic product with you. Kamalahar had played a major role as a life saver after the corporate hospitals had given up treatment when my friend’s mother was suffering from Jaundice with Ascitis. Currently there is no western or allopathic medicine for Jaundice. The doctors mostly ask for rest and control of diet. They hope that with proper diet control and rests things will be taken care. But many times this is not enough. This is a big issue if the patient is undergoing malaria treatment or some other treatment whereby the patient is required to take medicines which affect the liver. In those cases the patient is sometimes left at the mercy of luck.
My friend’s mom who is an old lady was suffering from Jaundice for quite some time. The serum bilirubin level went up to as high as 22. The bilirubin after six months of rest diet and allopathic treatment was around 16 (sixteen) and she had become a mere skeleton of her old self.
They came to know about Kamalahar through a family friend. They found out the details about the medicine and if there is any side effects of it. Once they found out that Kamalahar is a unique Ayurvedic/herbal product which is very effective in the treatment of liver disorders especially Jaundice, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis. The medicine is purely herbal and it does not have any side effects. My friend’s mom started the medication and after taking the medicines for 7 days she started seeing positive results. Her bilirubin level which had been high for past 6 months started going down dramatically. We become very happy and she continued her medication. After 1 month of treatment, her serum bilirubin was a bit above 1 and within 3 months 0.65 which was in normal healthy range.
They have been very thankful to Khatore Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Limited for the medicine. Since then they have been in constant touch with them and introduced me to the company. In fact after the Kamalahar experience we used another of their medicine called K-MATIC which is very useful for arthritis. But on that I will write some other day as that was an experience in itself. In this article I want to focus on Kamalahar. My aunt is now more than seventy five years old and she is still healthy and has not complained about the Jaundice problem anymore. Ever since that all the adult members of our family have used Kamalahar for Liver Detoxification to make our liver strong. Hopefully this article will benefit many more suffers of Jaundice, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis for which our modern system of medicine is still struggling to find a cure.

Author's Bio: 

Rahul Dev

Work for Khatore Pharmaceuticals (www.khatorepharma.com) as marketing manager.